Is it worth going with children to rest in Jordan?


Tourism in Jordan began to develop relatively recently, but there are already good conditions for recreation in this country. In addition to the sole resort town on the Red Sea Aqaba, there are many other interesting places in which it will be nice to relax with children of any age. It all starts from the airport. Jordanians are quite polite and welcoming people. If it happens that at the airport there will be a queue for checking documents, then tourists with young children will definitely miss and will not wait. However, if a child has its own passport, a visa will have to pay as an adult.

If the child is very small, it makes sense to take with me to Jordan familiar to him. The fact is that it is almost not in this country. When I was looking for a one-year-old son fruit and vegetable mashed potatoes in jars even in large stores, the sellers looked at me without understanding what I want. Similar to our jars with baby food, I found only in pharmacies. They are Israeli production and are more expensive than in Russia. Taste, apparently, they differ, as they didn't like my child at all. I do not even know why there is no such power. But I assume that Jordanian children are sitting at home, they do not go to kindergartens and their moms also do not work and have the opportunity and time to cook at home, and not buy ready-made children's food.

In Amman itself, there are entertainment for children, such as a zoo.He, of course, is quite small and primitive, but there is a carousel and a children's cafe. The entrance costs about five dinar.

In every large shopping center Amman, there is a large children's entertainment center. There you can go on the train and ride on the hill and a lot of other children to do. To visit it, you need to buy a card, put money on it and use for attractions until the limit will end. If you wish, it can be replenished several times. As practice shows, it is necessary to minimize such entertainment, 10-15 dinar. In the same shopping centers there are a lot of cafes where you can feed the child. There is a large selection of children's menu dishes. Especially there children like milk cocktails with different fillers.

And to combine a pleasant with useful, you can do shopping there. The choice of children's clothing stores is huge from budget options to elite clothing boutiques. By the way, the child can easily be left in the Children's Center, there is a closed territory and he will not be able to go anywhere. And parents can safely like shopping. In this country, you can not fear that anyone offended the child. A completely opposite, the children of European appearance admire and photograph.

In addition to shopping centers of the Jordanian capital, children can be reduced to local pastry. Arab sweets are made in them and there is a cafe in them, where they can be sewed.

Is it worth going with children to rest in Jordan? 11345_1

A child from the second floor can watch how delicious cakes prepare on the first, and then eat them.

If you plan to travel to Peter or Jerash with young children, you can take a carriage, but it will not use it everywhere.

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But still she will very much help in movement along these ancient cities. After all, it is very difficult to wear a child all the time in your hands, and he himself will go tired. Sandals for such travel will not fit. The baby will need comfortable shoes, as well as adults. In addition, it is necessary to take a stock of water and food for visiting Petra or Gerash, because in these cities you can buy except souvenirs. But in Peter, you can ride a child on a donkey, camel or horses, it will get a lot of pleasure.

Many are interested in whether to drive with children on the Jordan River. And I can say that of course it is worth it. The very place of finding this river is very beautiful. Christians can swim there and pay a child. And for very small travelers there is a separate bath with water from Jordan. If you wish, you can also make the rite of baptism. The road to Jordan is not at all tedious, from Amman, it is necessary to go through the whole kilometers of 30 and we will be treated by the bus. The place there is well equipped, if you need to have a toilet.

An unforgettable impression to the child can also give a trip to the Dead Sea.

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But parents should be remembered that if they are decided to go to the ordinary city beach, then you need to take a stock of water to wash off the salt from the child after swimming in the sea. Because salt there really is a lot and it is very pinching the skin. And shower cabins on such beaches are not provided. There are usually the locals are resting, and they do not bathe, but simply make kebabs on the shore. So, it is best to go for this purpose to the beach of one of the hotels that are a lot on the coast of the Dead Sea.There by paying the entrance you get in return for normal conditions - there is a toilet and shower there. And for a small child, especially if he does not know how to swim this unforgettable pleasure to swim in this sea.

Tourists with children love to ride in Aqaba. I want to say that there is a good rest in Aqaba with young children. There are beautiful beaches and clear sea. But for older children there will be boring there, because in the city in addition to shops and cafes there is nothing. Somehow not thought out in this resort town of entertainment. And relaxing there is good in spring or autumn, in the summer there is very hot. When gathering in Aqabu you need to not forget about children's sunscreen and headdress. It is best to live in a hotel there, some have children's animation and menus. And so, in the city itself, not all cafes cause trust, they are elementary dirty and do not go there with children to go. In good cafes, they will immediately give a highchair and menus. Delicious fruit cocktails and ice cream are sold on the streets of the city. And from the juice children more like juice from dates.

In general, I recommend going to Jordan with children and travel with them across the country. Jordan is very beautiful and welcoming, they love children very much and relate to them well. I personally went there with a one-year-old son and many women approached on the street, admired and kissed him. And I saw such a picture often with other children. There they will never be offended, and in a difficult situation will help. I would really like to go there again, when the son is still growing, it was very tiring with him in Peter without a baby carriage.

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