Better Mountains can only be Mount Tbilisi!


Tbilisi surprised little. I heard a lot of stories like this city transformed that this is now the modern capital, which develops rapidly. But I did not see anything like that, a lot of dilapidated buildings, which urgently require repair. Of course, a lot of new buildings, in order the old town, I just expected more. Maybe it is for the better that they do not distort the beauty of old houses - modern buildings that this "race for skyscrapers" did not touch Tbilisi.

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Better Mountains can only be Mount Tbilisi! 11333_2

At the airport, there are already official exchange offices at once, so it's not necessary to break your head where to exchange money is not necessary.

Surprised the name of one of the prospectuses - George Bush Avenue, in my opinion, it would be better to be called the name of any Georgian figure. But the main prospectus in Tbilisi is Rustaveli Avenue.

From the airport you can get either by bus or by taxi, we chose a taxi, the driver immediately offered his services as a guide. Get ready for the passage to the taxi you will have to bargain, and the initial price that the driver calls is not final.

In Tbilisi, there are many churches (in Georgia they are Orthodox), people are very devout, they are baptized not only in the church, but when they pass or pass by. Chief - the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, which we visited, say that even in winter swims swans and bloom roses.

Better Mountains can only be Mount Tbilisi! 11333_3

You can book a hotel online if you do not like to risk, but you can ask the same taxi driver, he will tell you cheaper what we have done. There were not many living rooms in the hotel.

I was already heard about the glass ministry of the internal affairs, well, and finally, I saw my own eyes. Police here is always ready to help you, polite and friendly policemen.

There was a lot of signs in Russian, it is widespread here, so you can safely be interested in passersby how to go to sights or any other point of the city, will definitely tell and help. Although the youth local already knows English better than Russian.

The city is very pleasant to walk: the beauty of old buildings is combined with beautiful views of the mountains.

One of the points of our program was to visit the fortress of Narikala. In the fortress itself there is a church, you can climb the steps to the powerful walls of the fortress. Very breathtaking views open there!

Better Mountains can only be Mount Tbilisi! 11333_4

Sulfible baths:

Better Mountains can only be Mount Tbilisi! 11333_5

Delicious cuisine in Tbilisi! Prices in restaurants are not tall, which was pleasantly surprised, in general, we only went on restaurants! Liked: Hincali, kebabs, Lobio, Khachapuri.

There is a subway in Tbilisi, the purchased travel card is suitable for all types of transport.

I was struck by the monument "Mother of Georgia", such a majestic sculpture.

Better Mountains can only be Mount Tbilisi! 11333_6

Museums in Tbilisi we did not visit, so I can't say anything about them, we drove just wander around the city, see the mountains.

Tbilisi is definitely worth a visit, feel local flavor, touch the ancient history. The city is very beautiful, with flower beds, rare architecture.

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