Car rental in Denmark: What do you need to know?


Denmark is a very small country and, for example, internal air transportes are not very developed there. As an alternative to aircraft there are also trains. Railway network spread throughout the country. Trains are beautiful and comfortable. But minus such a type of transport is that it is not cheap and besides, it is necessary to adapt to the schedule. Movement between the cities of Denmark on the bus is slightly cheaper, but also many do not want to be tied to the schedule. So I want to say that it is more convenient to transport in Denmark than the car is simply not. I mean those people who do not like bicycles. Moreover, the roads in this country are very good and one pleasure to ride them. But you need to remember that very many Danes prefer to move on bikes. And this two-wheeled transport has an advantage over the car and buses on the road.

We still need to remember that in the settlements of Denmark, the permitted speed 50, and not 60 km / h. But on country roads are allowed to gas up to 80 km / h, and on highways already up to 130km / h.

In order to take a car for rent in Denmark, the driver must be not under 20 years and have the driver's license of the international sample.

Car rental in Denmark: What do you need to know? 11309_1

And also to pay for rental need a credit card, cash in this country is not in width. If the weekend is expected, then it is better to book a car in advance. And it is better to choose a small size model to be easier to park. After all, in the cities of Denmark, narrow streets. Moreover, it concerns Copenhagen, because there are a lot of cycling tracks there. And as practice shows, tourists from Russia do not perceive them seriously and often they simply ignore them.

In addition, you need to remember about the rules of the road and for fines for their violation.

Car rental in Denmark: What do you need to know? 11309_2

Movement in Denmark right-hand and overtakes you can only on the left. Also drivers are obliged to give way to buses, and do not overtake them that there are strength. And if someone forgot to include the headlights of the headlight, which should be both afternoon and at night, will pay a fine of 67 euros.

Also a fine threatens and the driver and passengers who forgot to be fastened. Moreover, passengers sitting from behind are not released from this duty. And the children under 12 must be able to sit in a car seat.

Even in Denmark it is forbidden to use cells driving. For this, the penalty is also relied. And the one who is drunk drunk can finf by up to 2000 euros.

So to the one who is not sure that it will be able to keep all these rules, it is worth learn to ride a bike, especially since it is much cheaper and more useful to health.

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