Why do the tourists choose Yellowstone?


If you are traveling in America, I do not visit the Yellowstone National Park, in my opinion, means to divide yourself with the most incredible impressions that can only give a journey. For me, a trip to Yellowstone has become a journey, which can be compared with the immersion in the land of the earth. After all, there are no soil here, and the frozen lava, the trees after the eruption of the volcano crystallized and became similar to the fabulous enchanted forest, they beat numerous geysers from under the ground, a dormant one of the biggest and dangerous on the planet of supervulkanov, the last eruption of which was one of the most large-scale Tragedies of mankind.

Why do the tourists choose Yellowstone? 11277_1

The Yellowstone National Park occupies a huge area, he spread in the territory of the three US states at once. You can very much to explore the most basic sights of the park as part of a one-day group excursion. But the most interesting option will, of course, spend a few days in the park. For this, Yellowstone has all the necessary conditions - rooms for rent in campsites and hotels, shops, cafes and restaurants. You can navigate through the park on rented cars, bicycles.

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The most popular tourist facility in the Yellowstone National Park is the Valley of Geysers. In total, about three thousand geysers are located in the valley. The most famous and popular of them are the "old servant", which produces a jet of water and steam from under the ground, through well-certain periods of time, Geyser "Steamer", which is tirelessly, through small intervals, throws the jets of water and steam to height one hundred meters Well, of course, the decoration and pride of the entire Yellowstone National Park, the "King of Geysers", which never ceases and, probably, will never stop inspiring artists, filmmakers, photographers, is a geyser "OKO".

Why do the tourists choose Yellowstone? 11277_3

The King of Geysers "OKO" is a burning source of bright blue, which in shape resembles an eye. The similar eye is in the desert of the sugar, it's like two eyes of the Earth, located in the opposite corners, through which she watches from her subsoil to those who live on it.

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