Holidays in Malia: Prices


Malia is a great place for a noisy rest in the company of friends and perfectly suitable for family holidays. All day, you can walk on old streets all day, and in the evening, to take off the full in pleasure places. I do not like noisy places, so I prefer to indulge in dizzying shopping. I want to share prices in Malia with you, which were relevant for April a month of this year.

Prices in taverns Malia

- Portion of crab salad, costs six euros;

- one portion of spaghetti with a wide variety of sauces to choose from, costs from six to ten euros;

- Pasta with such a delicacy, as mussels, will cost six euros;

- Portion of meat, hesitated from eight to twelve euros, and it all depends on the meat itself, and its method of preparation;

- Traditional dish - Musaka, which is a casserole of vegetables with cheese and meat minced meat, costs from six to eight euros;

Holidays in Malia: Prices 11270_1

- all the favorite potatoes of fries can be ordered, in just two and a half euros;

- fragrant hot cheese, generously flavored by local spices, costs five euros;

- the cost of local manufacturing cheese is five and a half euros;

- squid, mussels or shrimp on the grill or in sauce, stand from twelve to eighteen euros per portion, and very large and tasty;

- The gentle veal cooked in tomato sauce costs twelve euros. Who has not tried this yummy, I advise you to try and do it best, it is in the tavern.

Almost all the taverns offer to try fish. Do not be scared, because in the menu they are indicated per kilogram, and one portion is about four hundred grams, so the price in the menu, tentatively divide in half.

- Kilogram of Omarov, costs sixty euros;

- one kilogram of Fagry fish, costs fifty-five euros;

- Small fish (I do not remember the names, but they are served in a fried form) cost from six to eight euros;

- Snails cooked according to the famous Cretan recipe, cost five euros for twenty pieces;

- Suvlaki, these are small kebabs, have the cost of two euros for one wand;

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- Local wine, without dyes, preservatives and other nonsense, costs from five to ten euros per bottle.

Prices in cafe and eateries Malia

Cafe on Crete, however, like snack bars, are not designed to eat here to eat. Yes, prices here are slightly lower than in taverns, but Fastfud offers much more here. Speaking easier - cafes and snack bars are designed for light snack, cup of coffee and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

- Cheeseburger or Hamburger, stand from three to five euros;

- Pizza, depending on the filling, costs from twelve to fifteen euros;

- A cup of coffee, costs from three to four euros. By the way, coffee is cooked here in the sand;

- Frapp coffee, which is served cold, costs from three to five euros;

- tea, you can order in just three euros;

- Lukeum or Greek Pakhlava, stand within one and a half euros for one hundred grams;

- ice cream costs two and a half euros;

- Beer Bank is the fastest, costs five euros;

- Local spill beer, you will be sold for two, maximum for four euros;

- Such drinks, like Fed, Sprite and Cola, are two euros.

Want to eat quickly and deliciously, then try the local Shawarma, which is selling here almost everywhere. It is called this snack - gyros and it costs only two and a half euros. Tasty, cheap and satisfying!

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Prices in supermarkets Malia

- loaf of bread, worth one euro;

- one and a half liter bottle of mineral water, will cost one and a half;

- liter of olive oil, costs from four to seven euros;

- watermelons and melons, stand on the euro floor per kilogram;

- bananas, have costs of two euros per kilogram;

- Beer Mithos, which is very popular among tourists, costs four euros per pack of four sex liter cans;

- Meat, as we have practically. For one kilogram of meat, it is necessary to pay from seven to eight euros;

- liter of milk, it is one and a half euro;

- Kilogram of Feta cheese, will cost eight euros;

- packing eggs out of six pieces, costs two euros;

- Paul kilogram of pasta, that is, the package is worth the euro floor;

- Cognac Greek "Metax" 0.7, costs from ten to twenty euros and everything depends on the number of spars on the bottle.

Prices in the Malia market

What are good markets, so this is what you can bargain here, and I still love markets for the amazing atmosphere, which is transmitted to each cell of my mind.

- citrus, here are given to almost a gift 0.6 - 0.8 euros per kilogram of pleasure;

- pears, nectarines, apples and peaches, on average one euro cost per kilogram;

- Vegetables will cost a maximum of one and a half euros per kilogram;

- the freshest pair meat, you can buy for six euros;

- kilogram of shrimp (fresh), worth ten euros;

- Omar, will cost fifty euros per kilogram;

- Fish, which was chosen in the morning, costs from four euros per kilogram;

- all sorts of cheeses, local cooking, stand from six to twelve euros per kilogram;

- Olives of all selected and unprecedented varieties, stand from four euros;

- Potatoes, is considered the most affordable vegetable, because for three kilograms of our native potatoes, you will be asked only two euros;

Yes, the market prices are somewhat lower than in stores and supermarkets, but you must remember that the markets work up to two o'clock in the afternoon, and fresh fish and meat, sold almost instantly and already at eleven hours of these products, may not stay and trace. However, closer to the closure, it is more profitable to the market, since the real price collance begins here! Before closing the market, prices for most products are falling at fifty percent, sometimes even eighty, but this is only if the goods are perishable.

Prices on Malia Beach

- Rent a pair of sun beds or chairs, ranges from four to six euros;

- Beach shoes will cost six euros;

- buying a large towel, will cost ten euros;

- thirty minutes of water bike or catamaran, costs twenty euros;

- fifteen minutes of adrenaline on a tablet or banana, stand from ten to fifteen euros;

- Rent a high-speed motor boat, will fall into a hundred euros;

- Fifteen minutes of riding on a water bike, cost forty euros from one person.

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