Thailand: Useful information for tourists


Thailand adore many tourists from around the world. Having come here for the first time, we could not feel the whole flavor of this Asian country, but something hooked ... And for ten years at least once a year, but we attend Thai with my husband.

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Of course, during this time we realized that the resorts of Thailand are not quite safe and not all the thais are so friendly. People everywhere are different, and in places of concentration of tourists, the concentration of all sabilities in any country is rapidly.

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I want to share some nuances of relaxing in Thailand knowing which you can protect yourself and your loved ones.


The heat in Thailand creates a magnificent environment for the development of various microorganisms that can cause serious poisoning. My husband and I personally came across this problem several times. Forget about the fact that you have previously knew about poisoning.

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Food poisoning in Tae is just a nightmare. Diarrhea may not stop several days, terrible cuts, loss of forces, dizziness, temperature rise, chills. Preparations that usually take at home are practically useless. And if an adult organism can somehow cope, although it is still worth consulting a doctor, then for a child everything can end very much crying.

The family of our acquaintances went with the son of 4 years in Pattaya. I called on to be neat, but the boy still poisoned. Parents lost precious time, thinking that the temperature and lethargy from overheating in the sun, and only when the vomit began to cause a doctor. The boy spent a few days in resuscitation. When we met them at the airport, the child looked as if it came out of the ghetto: slender, green.

The problem is not only in bad washed dishes, and it really washed badly, the whole trouble is that bacteria, unusual for our body, everywhere: on the handles doors, in transport, what is there to say: not in all hotels you can brush your teeth from under all hotels Crane is too bad and old sewage treatment plants.

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In this environment, the most optimal option for food is Makashnitsa, so unloved and avoidable by our compatriots. What preparing a secret on the skewers is undergoing thermal processing on the open fire, there is no plates and is immediately eaten. For the kid, you can buy disposable plates and use them. Hands to process antibacterial wipes, fruits wash with water from bottles.


In Tae steal everywhere and constantly. The saddest thing is that the situation is getting worse and worse. If a few years ago it was possible to at least be confident in the safe, now valuable things disappear not only from the number safes, but also from those who are considered safer safes at the reception.

We personally did not come across the hotel, but we were robbed in transport. And all this happened so skillfully, that besides himself to blame some. And the following happened: drove to the pier on a minibusik, completely scored people. The driver kindly suggested putting our bags next to them. We sat immediately behind him, as he managed to pull the money with his left hand during transport control, but the fact is evident. And he did not stole the whole wallet, pulled out on the bill so that we did not immediately notice anything. So we noticed only when they began to recalculate cash on the island. We lost a decent amount: $ 800 and several thousand rubles. So be sure to use locks. Close your backpacks and suitcases as soon as they stop to be needed.

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Another way of theft is a robbery of sleeping tourists. Well, imagine that you are after a long flight, after receiving alcohol or drugs from Bessenitsy, forgotten deep sleep. Air conditioning is disabled, the window is open to the fresh air ... Sophisticated vanity Tach silently climbs into the room through an open window. You do not hide your phone, watch, camera, wallet before bedtime? All this is probably on the bedside table, table, sofa ... falling asleep with an open window, remember: the chance does not detect some things very large.


Everyone knows that in Thailand and even more so in small islands it is best to move on a motorbike. Most men immediately with Azart goes to the first rolling office on the rental of iron horses. It is difficult to argue that Motobike is freedom of movement. Small, yurt "Tyrchik" will take to the beloved wild beach, and to the bar, and to the neighboring villages. That's just not forget about security.

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Yes, Tae is very loyal to tourists on motorbikes. Even without a helmet and drunk you can let you go for a small remuneration, but you do not need to experience fate. Thais is practically born on motorbikes as soon as the child is able to get to the pedal, he is already a driver. Tourists, having broken down to the resort, chase as crazy, without observing the rules of movement. Often, it is precisely a clash of two foreign tourists who are not able to assess the situation due to the absence of experience or by intoxication.

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But without a fraud of Thai, the Motobyka car rent. The cunning owners of rolling office are trying to extort, during the return of the scooter, monetary compensation for scratches, which, often, you do not have anything. Screams begin, perturbations, the threats cause the police and now the confused tourist of the foreigner gets a wallet to somehow settle the matter in place. To do not have a similar situation with you, be sure to photograph all scratches and damage to the Motobike, specify the owner to them before signing the lease agreement.


The serene and beautiful nature of Thailand also pays danger. The main problem is mosquitoes and some more small binting nasty. The bites do not notice at all, especially in the evening, especially on the islands. And in the morning all the seats of bites turn into a scherey nightmare. Keep in mind that if it seems to you that there are no mosquitoes - you are mistaken.

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Be sure to use repellents. But you should not carry them out of the house, they do not act on local mosquitoes. Buy everything in place in the nearest supermarket. In the room, use a fumigator, and try to sleep under the anti-moskit grid.

The current is also one of the dangers of Tia. At first glance, warm and gentle sea seems safe especially for those who know how to swim well. But, for example, the Andaman Sea is covered with its flow. Finding into a powerful stream, there is only a very strong chance to get out of a very strong, and most importantly, a sober person. Therefore, be very attentive and neat.

Another problem can deliver jellyfish. We encountered them in the Rayong. First, you do not even understand that you are so periodically burning. But then, seeing footprints on the skin, an insight comes.

For longer than three or four days, the jellyfish is usually in one place are not delayed, preferring to migrate in different corners, but also a few sturissity is enough. Burns on the skin heal for a long time, itch and burn.

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It is better to immediately go to the local pharmacy and, showing the burned place to the pharmacist, get a special ointment.


In the south of Thailand, terrorist acts occur periodically. The separatists are struggling for the right to autonomy and choose such monstrous ways to declare seriousness of their intentions.

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All trouble that shopping centers, restaurants, cafes, bars are exposed to attacks, the places of mass accumulation of people. It is not worth falling into a panic, as it is not necessary, the Potion by maybe, voluntarily climb into the peckelo. If you can avoid southern Thailand just do it.

Perhaps the picture drawn by me will seem to someone too gloomy, but I tried to collect here all the negative situations that may arise during the holidays. Rest in Thailand can be great when complying with some rules. In principle, it concerns any resort, but a trip to this Asian country seems to be a trip to Paradise. Do not be deceived by the picture, but do not fall into paranoia. Have a nice holiday!

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