Excursions to the Ranthambor Reserve


Many tourists visit India as part of the tours of the Golden Triangle of India. The classic program of the tour, which will be offered in most travel agencies is a tour of Delhi, Jaipur, Agra. The extended tour program may include visiting the ancient city of Varanasi, Khajuraho love temples. We have chosen the tour "Golden Triangle of India and Reserve Ranthambor", which we did not regret.

Reserve Ranthambor is one of the most popular and visited national parks of India. Earlier, the territory of the modern park belonged to Maharajam from Jaipur, who used them for hunting and entertainment. About the long-lasting times of Maharaja reminds the perfectly preserved old fortress, which is the same name as the park, Ranthambor.

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The main purpose of visiting the Ranthambor National Park, which is advertised in all tourist prospects and catalogs is the opportunity to observe the Bengali Tigers in Wildlife. Immediately I will say that during Safari at dawn and Safari at sunset, not a single tiger was noticed by us. However, we do not regret at all about the trip, as we got the opportunity to observe the behavior in the natural habitat of such interesting animals, like bears and roebles, various types of wooden and crocodiles, many bright and beautiful exotic birds, which just sat on our shoulders during Our safari, as applies to monkeys, at the entrance to the park they had such a quantity that it seemed that there were more than tourists.

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Safari was carried out on the old outdoor bus. The bus passing through the jungle, so you need to be careful, to printe the head so that the branches of the trees did not make an injury to face. For an additional fee, safari can be performed on an individual jeep, also open and not new.

There is no infrastructure for tourists in the park itself, only one stop near the toilet is performed during the safari, the state of which is very far from observance of sanitary and hygienic standards. However, you will not call a clear and well-groomed and nearest city in the park, in which we spent the night, on the streets of which the Black Kabanov family run in full formation, cows and dogs that feed on garbage. We had a wonderful hotel with good infrastructure, food, evening show, so we did not have the need and desire to go beyond its territory.

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Ranthambor National Park from the city of Jaipur separates 180 kilometers, the road is quite tedious, given the state of Indian roads and a driving manor. Nevertheless, I am sure that lovers and connoisseurs of wildlife this trip will deliver a lot of fun.

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