Tips for those who are going to Oludeniz


Tours to Turkey are today, one of the most accessible to our compatriots and that is why this country is more attractive for me personally. The first time, I came here five years ago and to this day, Turkey walks in my favorites. Last year, I visited Oludeniz, and you know why? It turns out that in Turkey, there is its own "Dead Sea" and it is just in Oludenize. No, with the Israeli Sea, it has nothing to do with the Bay of Oludeniz, is a very picturesque place with an excellent lagoon, which is protected from the open sea, a long sandy oblique. In addition, this resort is an excellent place for a family holiday, and for me it is very important, because I am everywhere I take care of my beloved Karapuza, three years old. If you generalize, Turkey is a very interesting country, but there are also their pitfalls here. So, I decided to make a good deed, and give several advice to novice travelers who are planning a trip to the homeland of Sultan Suleiman and his beautiful roxolane. So, actually the tips themselves.

Tips for those who are going to Oludeniz 11260_1

1. Always carry money and documents. Do not leave the hotel's valuable and expensive your heart, things. Do you know why? The answer is simple because the hotel's administration is not responsible for their safety. But, if you do not want to carry the work of the documents, or the wallet downed with money, but their safety for you is extremely important, then you can rent a safe at the hotel. There is such a pleasure, from one to three dollars a day. Not expensive and calm.

2. Respectively feel about government values, such as mosques, flags, a variety of relics and so on. Turks The people are hot, you never know ...

3. In Turkey, the main religion is Islam. What does this mean that? Right! It should not be treated with neglect, and even more so mocked, above local customs, especially above those who are at least a drop of religion.

4. Currency exchange, here is very simple. Your blood, you can exchange in banks, in the mail or in the exchange office. I do not go far, and I prefer to exchange directly at the hotel. It is quite possible to pay banknotes here and I want to note that this structure in Turkey is very well developed.

5. Making purchases in stores, in markets and even in hotels, check the delivery very carefully. Why? First, you may be checked, which is not very nice. Secondly, you may give out false bills, and this is a serious problem because of which, problems with the law may arise.

6. I am very pleased with the VAT return system, which applies only to tourists. Want to know what it is and how to use it? You are welcome! Find a product with bright blue inscription - Tax Free and make the necessary documents from the seller.

7. The large mass of Turkey shops, works from nine in the morning to nine in the evening. The most popular resorts acquired night shops. Walking in the evening, it is quite realistic, come across the shopping shop by souvenir products, which can work until two o'clock in the morning.

8. Having visited the expensive restaurant, do not forget about the tips, even if they are already included in the common account. The most acceptable amount of tip, is five percent of the order value. Tips are given the waiter who serves you personally in hand.

9. Nudism in Turkey is categorically prohibited! Therefore, you should not be taken out even on the most secluded beaches.

Tips for those who are going to Oludeniz 11260_2

10. Turkey mainly exists at the expense of tourism, so you will try to handle money at every step. What to do? To bargain. Especially should be traded in the market, brazenly and not embarrassed, since the real value of the things you like two or three times lower than the seller says.

11. Do not peck on cheap gold products, because it is usually in such gold, alloys and all sorts of impurities, much more than, actually gold itself.

12. Before renting a car, it is necessary to ask about the presence of insurance. If it does not turn out to be, then in this case, I do not advise you to risk your health.

13. Do not be lazy, exchange a few dollars on the local lira (one lira, is sixteen rubles). You will definitely use this money if you are planning to make purchases in the bazaar. And since we are in Turkey, then with major bills, you simply may not be submitted under the faithful pretext of "misunderstanding."

Tips for those who are going to Oludeniz 11260_3

14. The time difference between Moscow and Turkey is and it is one hour. It is quite a bit, but it will not be superfluous to take this information on the note, in order not to be confused in the temporary space.

15. Girls, the next Council is addressed to you! Turks are loving people! Be modestly and do not go through the streets alone. The perfect option is to take a man on a trip. Any man! Friend, brother, matchmaker, no matter who exactly. If there are tens with men, the girlfriends are in the size of a pair of three pieces, they will also come down. Just behave in the girls' company modestly and try, once again do not provoke the coveted views of the locals who will offer you golden mountains per night of love.

16. With children in Oludeniz, you can ride and even need, but then the most important thing is to choose the right time of travel. Many people talk about what is best here to have a day in June, but I absolutely disagree with this because of the fact that water is still cool for swimming kids. One more, they advise riding in July. God forbid you! July is a terrible, hot month and if you are with a small child, most of the time you have to sit in the hotel room, closer to the air conditioner. The best months, for a trip to Oludeniz, are August and September. But it is worth remembering that in August, here there is nowhere to fall here. September, perfectly suitable for recreation with children if they have not yet achieved school age. In September, there are really beautiful - there are no heat, and water like paired milk.

That's all my hard recommendations that I hope you will be useful. Relax safely and with pleasure!

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