Why is it worth going to Osaka?


The largest industrial center of Japan is Osaka. Previously, the city was called Naniva, and after the 1496th year received his present name - Osaka, which means a high slope. Thanks to its development, the city is attended annually a large number of travelers. There is an amazing airport that is located on an artificial island, as well as a large port, which is a chapter of ships from around the world.

And in general, there are many reasons to visit this wonderful city, so we will talk about the advantages and cons relatives in Osaka.

Let's start with the fact that in the time of the Second World War, the city was completely destroyed, so you can almost not meet the old facilities here. I, for example, are related to minuses. Therefore, in the city, the largest number of new, modern buildings, rather than in the other Japanese cities, which, undoubtedly, amazes many tourists.

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In Osaka, a wet subtropical climate is dominated, with a very stuffy and hot summer, and a sufficiently soft winter. In principle, the weather allows you to come here for just a year, but in the period of rainfall rains, from May to July, there are not very many tourists here. Season in Osaka is considered spring and autumn when the weather is most favorable. In the spring, thousands of cherry trees and shrubs are blooming here, and in the fall - foliage is painted in fiery paints, which allows tourists to do a lot of photos, and just enjoy beauty.

But not only the climate attracts the majority of visitors, but also the natural beauty of the Japanese city, which, by the way, is considered the third largest in the whole country. The numerous canals of the river Yogodava, simply cut off the entire urban territory. In addition, the city is located on the plain and from several sides is surrounded by mountains.

It is in the city there are unique corners of nature that remained almost wild. Today, they look very harmoniously in the general landscape of the city, and allow not only tourists, but also to local residents come here to picnics and whether alone with nature is simply. As residents of Japan love peace and peace.

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For example, Unique Namba Park, in which there are beautiful hanging gardens. Surprisingly, the park is located in the Parks Tower complex and takes as much as eight floors. That is what modern construction and technology has come. One can only hope that such beauty will appear in a short time. After all, each visitor can admire the beauty of nature simply without leaving the structure, as well as enjoy the beauty of ponds and small waterfalls.

In addition, you can go to the National Park of Shann Kaigan, who offers visiting sand dunes, sea caves, beaches, and the raisin of the park is amazing, one of the highest waterfalls of Japan is Tottori.

As I said, the war brought a colossal destruction in Osaka, but some of them, with time, were fully restored. Therefore, tourists can fully satisfy their historical needs in the city and its surroundings.

A unique structure is Osaka Castle, which is considered the main attraction of the city and his business card. The fifty-eight meter facility consists of five floors and is surrounded by an excellent park, one of the largest in the city.

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An excellent arched bridge is decorated with a Sumiusi Temple, in which the souls of dead sailors rest. Not far from the temple is a recreated temple of Sitanjdzi, ancient Buddhist temple. By the way, tourists will be interested not only to visit the temple itself, but the annual festival (April 22), during which Bugaku dance passes.

Among the modern architecture, the skyscraper is allocated - Ugud Sky Bilding, consisting of forty-floors. The observation deck is also located here, from where you can see absolutely the whole city.

Many tourists simply come delight from local cuisine. To be honest, I also liked the local peculiarities of the cooked food. In Osaka there are many small cafes with reasonable prices, as well as nappish and sushi. For example, on only the shopping street Testzinbasi-Suzze, there are about 600 restaurants.

Arriving in Osaka, it's just impossible not to try local specialists - dumplings from octopus (taco-yaki), as well as oconomy - this is something like a pancake, only it has a cabbage, seafood or meat, as well as other ingredients at your discretion than "It looks like our shawarma."

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Little kebabs (Yaki-Tori) are very popular, which are prepared from meat or seafood. Such small snacks can be bought even from street merchants who are sleeping the city.

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By the way, be in cash, since almost all restaurants do not accept cards, except very expensive. In Osaka, as in all Japan, it is not customary to leave the tips, so do not forget about it. Personally, I took it to the pros of relaxing in Osaka.

By the way, the plus is also quite a large selection of economy hotels, as well as more chic. For example, if you want to save, then you note Weekly Uehonmachi, Hotel Raizan Minamikan, Capsule Hotel Daitoyo or J-Hoppers Osaka Guesthouse. The minimum cost of accommodation is 50 dollars. But in more expensive, the cost begins from $ 250.

Among the entertainment, I propose to visit the Chic Oceanarium, the attractions of the Universal Studios Japan Park, or Osaki Enchanting Clubs, which are located in Whale or Namba.

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By the way, there is a very low crime in Osaka, so you can safely walk late evenings or alone, without fear of your life. Only, look after wallets in public transport, because scammers are enough everywhere.

However, when relaxing in Osaka, it is worth considering that the city is in the zone of seismic activity, so earthquake can begin at any time. Try to explore the rules of behavior in such situations and do not panic. Each hotel has cards with emergency outputs, but if you are indoors, then hide under the table or in the bathroom.

In addition to such unpleasant moments, the rest in Osaka is very pleasant and beautiful. At least during my stay, nothing like it happened.

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