Useful information about the holiday in Hanoi.


I would like to talk about the unpleasant moments of Hanoi - fraud. To begin with, transport fraud - in particular, a taxi to and from transportation hubs - railway station and airport. Frequently, tourists are clearly overpaying, or drivers are specifically rided with long routes or drive up to an incorrect hotel.

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Currency courses - Another point where you can heat. Unfair hotels recalculate the cost of services in dollars at the rate, convenient only to them. If you stop for a couple of days - you can not notice the difference.

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But if for a long time - the difference can hit the wallet. Before ordering a room, if possible, find out the currency rate and if the reception will be loaded, present them. Well, you can pay in dong.

Also try not to leave your passport in a deposit. If things go crooked, in any case, it is easier to leave, but then the passport should be with you. If you need any guarantees, it is better to leave a cash deposit - yes, you can lose some money, but it will not deliver so much trouble like a left passport.

Tours and excursions can also cause problems. For example, hotels and travel agencies can sell you a "luxurious" tour in Halong Bay, and rainbar pictures will not reflect reality. In the sense of the bay is beautiful, and how you will explore it - do not fit here. The only way to avoid this is to explore the recommendations from other tourists on the Internet. In general, the easiest way is to go to place itself and rent a guide or means of movement.

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IN Hanoi's movement system There is nothing different from many other big cities, but thousands of tourists will agree - this one of the most insane places is - if you are going or walk. The turmoil begins with a minute when you leave the airport

The main techniques that you need for the intersection of the road. Anyone who was here ever already know the "Rules": to go across the road slowly, but steadily - it allows cars ... Go around without sudden stops - everyone controls the situation. It really works, but you still have to be alert - not all drivers are fully focused, especially in our century mobile phones. But in any case, it is better than endless minutes of waiting on the edge of the road.

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Also keep in mind - despite the fact that the old quarter is especially a restless area, at least traffic there is quite slow, and indeed, it is mostly bicycles. As soon as you leave the old quarter to the main streets, you immediately dive in Hanoi with a large number of cars, buses and trucks. Sometimes you can stumble upon the so-called pedestrian transitions at the traffic light, but still be careful: drivers who need to turn to the right are not inclined to stop on the red light, and the green light for pedestrians drivers can perceive as a signal to action. If you go with the group, give the machines more opportunities for maneuver around you. Hehe. Just go not tight, not a big cluster.

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Unfortunately, there must be a bowl not only when crossing the road. Pedestrian tracks often do not exist as part of the road, especially in densely populated areas with narrow streets, such as the Old Quarter. This means that you literally have to go through the roadway. Tourists usually teach that here you have to walk face to the oncoming movement to control the situation. By the way, prepare for the fact that the car will not go to the rules at all, and in general it can go on the opposite on the road with one-way movement. Also keep in mind that cars can sometimes go through the sidewalk, especially in an attempt to avoid traffic jams on the main roads. You can protest and stop, giving the driver to understand, they say "this is my place, go back to the road, idiot," and you can simply minimize and bypass the hurry driver and its unit. I suggest the last option - what nerves spend?

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Hanoi is a city where you, unfortunately, will most likely witness most accidents and accidents - but for some reason they treat it completely calmly. Think, the cyclist knocked down the car. He will raise his great, stand up with the help of passers-by, devads and go further, as if nothing had happened.

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By the way, about accidents. If you do not let God fell into an accident or fell in Hanoi, then calm down: Tips like "urgently leave Vietnam and go to Bangkok or Singapore" are irrelevant. If you have money or insurance, adequate medical care can be accessible in Hanoi.

In Hano, there are three main decent clinics. Firstly, "INTERNATIONAL SOS Clinic" (51 Xuan Dieu, Tay Ho, works every day around the clock). This is a major international company with branches around the world. In Vietnam there is a separation in Ho Chi Minh City. Hospital is clean and modern. But prices for services there are often overestimated. However, it is still the best of all local options. In addition, there is an emergency call service.

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"FAMILY MEDICAL PRACTICE" (298 I Kim Ma Street, Van Phuc) gets the best reviews. This is also an expensive clinic, but not so expensive as SOS, plus you will provide high-quality care and a wide range of services, including outpatient and inpatient care, a pediatrician doctor and ambulance.

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Finally, "FRENCH HOSPITAL" (NO 1 Phuong MAI, DONG DA) offers medical and surgical services. In this clinic, the overall consultation costs $ 50, which is cheaper than in the other two. They also work every day around the clock.

If you do not have a lot of money, but you need help, then you have two options: you go to the local hospital or engage in self-medication with a pharmacist.

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Local hospital - for example, Hong Ngoc Hospital (at 55 Yen NINH, BA DINH DISTIRICT).

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As for self-medication: it is much easier here than we have, buy medications without a recipe. But be careful: some medicines can be fake, so it is necessary to treat with some caution. And in general, bring everything with you, proven mixtur tablets.

If the tooth fell ill - in Peace Dental Clinic (2nd floor, 51A Nguyen Khac Hieu, Ba Dinh), One Dental (8, Lane 27, Xuan Dieu), Westcoast International Dental Clinic (2nd floor, Syrena Center, 51 Xuan Dieu) or Australian Dental Clinic (3 nguyen du, dong da district).

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