What should I see in Osaka?


Osaka is an interesting place that is ready to offer a completely enough places that you definitely like. There are architectural monuments, and castles, entertainment clubs, luxury restaurants and many other things. But today we will talk exactly about the sights of the city, which can be quite possible.

Castle Himedezi. This is one of the most vintage Japanese castles, which dates back to the middle of the 14th century. The castle consists of a whole complex of buildings, which has about eighty-three buildings. All of them were built at the beginning of the 17th century, and it is also here that there is a very beautiful 45-meter tower, which consists of seven tiers.

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Himedezi translated means a white Heron Castle, and it is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. On the territory of the courtyard of the castle, a huge garden-labyrist was created, who many times helped protect the castle from enemies. While the gangsters wandered in the labyrinths, guards were fired from the castle.

Today, the castle is known not only due to historical reports, but also thanks to the cinema. It was here that these films were filmed as the last samurai, as well as a few film about the amazing James Bond - the shadow of the warrior, you live only twice.

Address: 68 Honmachi, Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture.

Museum of Eastern Ceramics. This is a really awesome place that is recognized as the best of its kind throughout the world. It is in this museum that there are about a thousand samples of Korea ceramics, China and Japan, as well as other Asian countries.

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The museum was opened in 1891, and in 1999, the collection was replenished for another two thousand exhibits. About fifteen exhibits are under state security and are among the national treasures of the country. The main part of the collection is a meeting of a very rich merchant - attack. It is this collection is not only ancient, but also truly amazing. Here you can find so extraordinary objects that delight just indescribable.

The entrance to the museum costs 500 yen, address - 1-1-26, Nakanoshima, Kita-Ku, 530-0005, Osaka.

Puppet Theater Bunrap. The history of the theater begins his countdown from the 17th century, when monks told about the titles of heroes. Musicians began to play with the monks, and then dolls appeared. Dolls were added with pictures and the theater appeared.

Uemura Bunracukan founded the theater in 1871. By the way, the puppet theater of Japan is very different from our theater. In the theater, Bunrap Cooks stand on stage along with their dolls, who have live eyes, gorgeous outfits and opens a mouth with every spoken word. Some dolls can even show the audience language.

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To date, this is the largest theater in all Japan. It is very interesting to look at the dolls, the masks of which hid terrible monsters.

The cost of visiting the theater is 500 yen, address - 1-12-10, Nippon-Bashi, Chuo-Ku, 542-0073.

Museum of noodles. The noodle museum is located in the iked and dedicated to Momofuku ando Noodse. Some part is devoted to the biography of Momofuko Ando, ​​so there is a specially created mock of the hut, in which the creator of noodles lived, and in which he had an idea of ​​creating noodles.

It is in the museum that visitors can become participants in master classes to prepare noodles of their own production and unique taste.

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In addition, the museum has shops that offer to buy the most diverse noodle of the Nissin Foods factory. There is also varieties of a rare collection noodle. I really liked it that here we can not only buy noodles, but also to eat it right away, because the store has a small cafe overlooking the beautiful garden. Many tourists prefer to have a snack in the museum, which, by the way, is very convenient.

The entrance to the museum is free, but the cost of master classes is about 5 dollars. Address: ikedal, Osaka.

Aquarium Kayukan. This aquarium is simply mad popular in Japan, since it is really very exciting and interesting not only for adults, but also for kids.

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The huge skates and sharks are swimming just with you above your head, bright tropical fish, that matter, then they emerge from their shelters. Crabs are mashed by visitors with culbs, and the dolphins are happily wink. What can be more beautiful than the amazing and mysterious underwater world.

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In addition, visitors can see not only fish, but also chic penguins, reptiles and ocean mammals that feel here at home.

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All inhabitants are divided by tanks that fifteen. The largest of them is nine meters deep (11 thousand tons of water). Some tanks have a very large depth, which is stretched to several floors. Therefore, standing on the top floor can be seen as a penguin dives into the water. And standing on the bottom - to see how it floats under the thickness of water.

And the height of the structure of the aquarium is about fifty meters. Yes, and the cost of the entrance ticket is very impressive - about 2000 yen. For kids for about 3 years - 400 yen.

Address: 552-0022, Pref. Osaka, Minato-kagan-dori 1-1-10.

Osaka Castle. This is the main attraction of the city, which is located in its very center. This is the symbol of the city and one of the largest castles of the country.

The history of the emergence of the castle is very interesting. In 1583, Toythomy Hideji ordered to build a castle as a symbol of his power and power. The warlord ordered the construction on the site of the former Buddhist temple of Iciam. About thirty thousand people took part in the construction daily, and huge stones were delivered from all regions of the country. After three years, construction ended, and the castle began to look can look mighty and majestic. There were tea ceremonies, guestrooms came to the big rooms, in general the castle never empty.

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But alas, repeatedly the castle was collapsed, and in 1868 it was almost completely destroyed by the troops of Clan Tokugava. Subsequently, it was possible to restore only the main tower. Where today you can see all the beauty of the city. The inner premises of the castle invite visitors to see the museum, which tells all tourists about the life of samurai and their culture.

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