What is worth viewing in Antibes?


What I always conquered the cities of Southern France - so it is some kind of special, completely indescribable charm, which combined the riddles of the rich past and a rich and very attractive present. The Antibes is one of those popular resorts that thousands of tourists are attracted annually not only thanks to their fashionable status, but mainly due to its mild climate, magical nature and interesting attractions. And they are abound in antibes.

The first thing that, in my opinion, you need to look in Antibes - this is, of course, his Old city . In addition to old buildings, each of which deserves separate attention, attracts a cozy atmosphere of narrow old streets, and numerous shops, and, of course, the traditional market where almost everything can be found.

Not far from the old quarters, charming port Antibe, sitting by snow-white sails of private ships and sparkling decks of expensive yachts. Here you can spend at least a couple of hours, considering all this magnificence.

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And away - the sea is shine ... The picture that gets from here is so gorgeous that we just don't want to leave. Although it is necessary to do, because the antibe has a lot of prosperous things and places.

In particular, you can note the beautiful parks of the city, in the shade of which not one dozen vacationers make an unhurried promenade, sit on the shops, talking about something, or engaged in jogging. Among the most famous parks can be highlighted not so far from the port Exflora Park , attracting its guests a well-thought-out landscaped design and unusual beautiful plants. In addition, many remain delighted with the garden Villa Eilerok (Eilenroc). And the cape Antibe, to whom you can walk with great pleasure, and it makes it comes to measure from delight, admiring the beauty spread around you.

But this, as they say, lyrics and general impressions. If you go down from the skies to the ground and start ensented by certain objects that you should look at the antibe, you can start with architectural and historical attractions.

One of the most iconic places of the city is undoubtedly powerful lock , built by the representative of the Grimaldi dynasty in the 12th century. Nowadays, the castles in the walls are located another very attractive object for tourists, namely - Museum Picasso. , representing its visitors who are not the most famous canvas of the Master itself, but also other popular artists of the mid-20th century (for example, Joan Miro and Max Ernsta). The appearance of the Museum itself, in Antibes, is explained by the fact that the great artist conducted a significant part of his life in this sunny region, and in the castle of Grimaldi, he had even his art studio in which he was worked for some time after the Second World War. In general, the place is interesting from all sides - both for lovers of history, and for connoisseurs of art, and, as a rule, does not leave anyone indifferent. It is located on Place Mariejol, it works daily apart from Monday and large holidays from 10.00 to 18.00 in summer and from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00 in the winter (from October to May). The cost of the entrance ticket is 6 euros for adults and 3 for children.

By the way, fans of museums can also be advised Museum of the Marine Fleet and Napoleon located in the tower on the site of the former artillery battery (Batterie du Grillon, J. Kennedy) and the ultimate development of the military power of the French state and the flight of the French emperor with Elbe, as well as the local archaeological museum (fully called Museum of History and Archeology - Musee d'Histoire et d'Archeologie), located on the territory of the defensive bastion of St. Andre and telling about rich, centuries-old, past the region of Antibes.

In addition, it may be a fascinating campaign in Paine and Humor Museum Musee PeyNet Et Du Dessin Humoristique) located on Place Nationale. There you can see a lot of famous graphic drawings, as well as works of sculptural art, porcelain and unusual costumes.

Well, from the attractions donated to us by modernity, I would definitely allocated Sculpture of "Wanderer" , appearing on the picturesque shore of the city in 2007 and the created (do not believe) from several hundred metal letters.

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The eight meter figure of a man who wrapped his knees with his hands and looking into the sea, as if personifies the traveler who stopped here and admiring such beauty. Why is it made of letters? According to the author, they symbolize a huge number of knowledge and experience that this person has ... This is perhaps the most unusual and memorable sculpture I have ever seen ...

If you have more to walk on the walls of the old buildings and the feeling of involvement in something to the highest, go to Cape Cap D'Antib to Lighthouse Garopu. (Garoupe). Next to this magnificent building of engineering thought is the wrong, but very famous chapel Notre Dame de Garop Store in its walls the most valuable church relics exported from Russia during the Crimean War. Here you can see the icon of the Mother of God with a baby of the 16th century, an ancient wooden cross, embroidered by the Dos Family District and much more. These places and stored holy relics are attributed to real miracles, so it is not surprising that inside you can see many gifts brought by grateful believers. Especially a lot of offering there from sailors.

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Another attraction of Cape Cap d'antib is laid in the middle of the 19th century Botanical Garden in Jury providing the opportunity to admire many exotic plants. And if no one believed in the idea of ​​the founder of the botanical garden, now, now, walking in mind of the high eucalyptus or overseas palm trees (in total in the botanical garden, there are about 3000 species of exotic plants) impaired by respecting this bold man who has decided on such a bold step and who has done Such incredible work.

Once on vacation in Antibes, you can not be limited to only its borders. After all, in the neighborhood so much interesting. So, very nearby there is a small town Grass , famous thanks to the perfume factory located in it, inviting those who wish to excursions. In addition, it is not nearby Saint Margarita Island With the Fort of the Epoch of Francis I towering on it (it was there, according to legend, a prisoner in the "iron mask" died).

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