What should I see in Tokyo?


Tokyo is a universal city in which cultural features, entertainment and natural beauty of the city are perfectly combined. There are always full of tourists who want to get acquainted closer with this huge and beautiful city. That's where to start.

Museum of Edo-Tokyo. Previously, the city of Tokyo was called Edo, so the museum introduces visitors with the history of the city of Edo, because the collection of the museum covers the period from the 1590th year to modern days. The museum began to take visitors since 1993 in the Ryugoka area.

There are ancient manuscripts, kimono, cards, ancient scrolls, and there are excellent layouts that allow visitors to completely see how the theater of Kabuki looked first, for example, or city houses. And all this is in full scale. In addition, tourists can understand how the European world affected the development of the country's cultural characteristics in general, and what events had a fateful meaning.

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Here, tourists can also look and learn to watch Japanese hieroglyphs - calligraphy, and also see how they prepare some traditional Japanese dishes. Yes, and cost is about 600 yen, which is not very cheap. In addition, various exhibitions from other museums and galleries come here very often.

Address: 1-4-1 Yokoami, Sumida-Ku.

Temple Yasukuni / Yasukuni Jinja. This is a Shinto temple, which is dedicated to the victims of the Japanese all times during the war. The temple was built in 1869, and at the entrance he hung the inscription: "Those who brought the highest sacrifice in the name of the Motherland."

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Yasukuni stores lists of dead soldiers who have more than two million people, as well as a mirror and sword - the attributes of the emperor's power. In addition, the temple was awarded the title of a special imperial sanctuary. It is actually very beautiful here, since the temple surrounds the cherry trees and the traditional trees of Ginkgo. In the spring there are especially many visitors here, because in April there is a lush festival. The visitors of the temple can also visit the Military Museum, which will tell the history of armed Japanese forces. The museum works at the temple. The entrance ticket to the museum is about 800 yen, and the entrance to the temple is free.

Address: 3-1-1 Kudankita Chiyoda-Ku.

Rainbow Bridge / Rainbow Bridge. The rainbow bridge is indeed considered a business card Tokyo, since he is just incredibly beautiful in the evenings. The bridge is a connecting structure of the city with an exterior area, and the length of the bridge is near a kilometer.

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The illumination is installed on the cables that hold the bridge, and it is thanks to her bridge acquired the name of Raduzhny. I can say that the bridge looks beautiful not only at night when the backlight is turned on. In the afternoon, if you look at the bridge from the water, it looks also very impressive and fascinating.

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Tokyo Sky Tree TV. This is the highest tower in the world that reaches a height of 634 meters. The tower is located in the Sumida area, and has become a unique replacement for the old tower in 2012.

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Tokyo Sky TreeKroma In 2008, when construction just began, the Japanese held a competition for the best name of the Tower. The victory was called - Tokyo Sky Tower, and the winners were honored with the first to rise to the viewing platforms of the tower, which are located at 350 altitudes (TEMBO DECK) and 450 (Tembo Galleria) meters. And already above 470 meters there is a huge antenna.

The cost of entrance tickets for different sites: lower platform - 2500 yen, upper - 1000 yen. Children are provided discounts.

Temple Sense-Ji / Sensō-Ji. The temple was elevated in honor of Bodhisatatva Kannon, and he would definitely be considered the oldest temple in all Tokyo, because the date of its foundation is 328 years.

In those distant times, only a small fishing village was located here. And then, from the Sumida River, the fishermen managed to catch the statue of the goddess Cannon - Goddess Mercy. It was in honor of this that the temple was erected here, which over the years was rebuilt several times.

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The temple complex is the main hall, the entrance to which is leading a beautiful gate to Caminarimon, as well as Pyhylain Pagoda. The gate has an arch with a beautiful traditional lantern. And from the temple leads the whole ancient street Nakakse-Dori, on which souvenir shops and shops are located.

Many Japanese believe that smoke that comes from the urn for incense, has healing properties, so you should not be surprised when you see that a large number of local residents are suitable for urns.

Address: 2-3-1 Asakusa, Taito. Free admission.

Imperial Palace in Tokyo / Tokyo Imperial Palace.

This is the most real residence of Japan's emperors, seven and a half square kilometers with an area of ​​seven and a half square kilometers, and located in the very center of the city. This is a whole complex of structures surrounded by a garden and park areas. Constructions that are part of the complex are built not only in traditional Japanese style, but also in the European style. And all because during the time of war, part of the complex suffered greatly, and then it had to be rebuilt, but already on new projects.

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The first complex was built back in 1888, rightly not far from the castle of Sögunov.

In the palace, the largest building is considered an audience hall. But tourists can stroll through the expanses of the park and a garden, in which the landscape design masters simply created fabulous paintings. This is perhaps the most photographed place, after a rainbow bridge and television in Tokyo.

Address: 1-1 Chiyoda, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo.

Temple of Sibamata Tayskutan. The temple is located in the Katsusik area, which is on the outskirts of the city, so you can count that you will spend about half a day on the passage and visiting the temple itself. But you do not regret the time spent time when you arrive in the temple itself.

First, it is a wonderful temple. With a large courtyard, in which there are many vintage statues and stone sculptures.

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Secondly, you can admire the wood carvings with a clock, which is really unique.

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Thirdly, there is a magnificent garden with a small pond. Here in this pond, amazing carps are found, which have already pronounced tourists, so do not be surprised that the fish will be very pleased with your arrival and just be careful.

Address: 〒125-0052 Tokyo, Katsusika-ku, Sibamata 7-10-3. Price: 400 yen.

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