Why should I go to Fanrang?


Compared to the nurse in the north and beach area Muin in the south, the beaches in the province of Nignhuan (the capital of which is Fanrang), such as ka on and Nin Chu - are not particularly similar to Sweet-Raisko-Cutlery (although still very pleasant), But if you are looking for a large spacious beach without a crowd of noisy tourists, then you are in the right place. Nignhuan is a beautiful nature, fishing and crafts, pagodas, temples and excellent opportunities for diving, in general, will not be boring.

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Why should I go to Fanrang? 11181_2

Nignhuan is rarely mentioned in most guidebooks, and our travel agencies rarely offer batch tours to this area. Most often, the city of Nignhuana is the places for the respite, where you can spend the night and relax, before going to large, bright and more busy cities in the north and in the south. But, if you crave to see less tourist and more real Vietnam and if not against the lack of a luxurious service (and sometimes all the benefits) of civilization, then this province is necessarily a visit.

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The city of Fanrang-Thaaptam (formerly confessing - Panduranga) on the southern coast of Vietnam is such a typical large city, which is quite a few Vietnam, with developed trade offered various services, useful for local residents living in the region.

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You can settle in the city anywhere, but you can recommend staying on the beach Nin Chu In seven kilometers east, and not in the city itself. This is a very quiet and pleasant area that comes to lovers of romance.

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Once on the territory of the modern province of Nignhuan (and even in Danang, Hoian and Nyachang) there was a powerful vehicle (or CHAMPA), which was absorbed by Vietnam in the 1930s of the 19th century.

This people, trim (or cham, respectively), arrived on the shores of Stack in the I-II centuries n. e., probably, there were Malays, and, quite likely, migrants from Borneo.

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The ancestors of the crazy and to this day live in Nignhuhan, and Fanrang-Thaptam became the center of maintaining their culture. Most of the area are rice fields, vineyards and peach gardens of crazy, as well as this people are engaged in breeding cattle.

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So, the ancient Tims left behind the sights - the luxurious "Towers of Thaim" dedicated to their kings and queens. These towers are built of small red bricks, laid almost without cement, the buildings look very neat, are crowned with something like domes, the arches are framed by specially burned bricks (thus, as if the arch eats the flame languages). In general, their towers are a very complicated design that requires depotable technology. Spectacle amazing!

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Along the central coast of Vietnam, there are several similar structures, but Mishon is considered the most famous (Mỹ Sơn) 50 km from the city of Hoyan and the Ponar Tower in Nha Trang. In two places in the Fanranh, the culture of thaim is represented by the most explicit way: a pair of kilometers to the west of the railway station there is an excellent complex of Thaims, dedicated to the Klong Garay, the last ruling king (his portrait is depicted in the sanctuary of the central tower).

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By the way, next to this tower there is a cultural center (built, at least from more traditional concrete, bricks and mortar, but at least with some architectural lines of crazy), where you can learn more about this people and admire the photographs and pictures of Test artists .

The second tower dedicated to the king in re before, is located about 20 km south-west of the city, if you go through the PCU ku to Fok Hou and the village of Howeda. The ancient tower was reconstructed a couple of years ago, so she just likes the same as much as much.

These towers are currently used for very colorful thaim festivals, especially "kate" (KATE) in October, when numerous gifts are carried to the temples.

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Why should I go to Fanrang? 11181_11

This is an excellent opportunity to assess the culture of the people of Truipa State. Also next to these towers, other rites are held - the rain festival, weddings and other celebrations. If you're lucky to witness this - big luck! On the holidays, the trim build figures from the sand (in this trim, do not occupy skill), all dressed in very colorful ceremonial clothing - all this makes the culture of the perfect tourist resource. Although many tourists and hear did not hear about it. Oh yeah, still dancing! The dance legacy of crazy is richly and peculiar. All traditional holidays are accompanied by dancing. Dance under drums with piercing sound, gong, Haranai brass instrument, tambourine and string tool called Cani.

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What is interesting, dances are divided into folk and palace.

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People's most interesting, they seem to imitate with different household scenes and personify something special - dance - rowing, dance with a jug on the head, dance with a handkerchief, a knife, fan, a lamb and fire (this is very stormy, symbolizes the struggle of craves with trouble ). Many dances are fulfilled more and less often today - for example, a dance with a knife (during which they used a spiral knife almost half a meter long) and the Yin-Yang dance (which symbolizes the relationship between M and w, as can be guessing).

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In general, tourists (those who are in the know) go to the city exactly to these ancient traditions. And this people are terribly proud of its roots, for example, many men wear traditional white hats in everyday life. You can try to make an impression on them, having greeted them with the words "Saalam", and not "Xin Chao" (for the most part of Trema, they profess Islam, although before the 14th century there was still Buddhism and Hinduism).

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In addition to interesting vintage towers, in Fanrang, you can go to two craft villages nearby - in one specializing in weaving, in the other - on the clay dishes. Actually, in the other side you can go, at least in order to get to the beautiful beaches of ka on or camrania in the Bay of Camran. Or combine everything.

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And be sure to try the pitaia fruit here (someone else says "Pyathayya", and the local call him Dragon Fruit) - they say that it is in the Fanranh that the best thing is growing in all Vietnam.

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In general, Fanrang is solid advantages: both beach holidays, and beautiful traditions, and relatively inexpensive accommodation and meals. We must take!

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