Dreams come true - we are in Mumbai!


Make a trip to India - this is my dream since the time of the Institute. The study of culture, customs and languages ​​of the eastern countries did their job. Tickets were purchased, things are collected, now everything is ready, and we go to the present journey around the city of Mumbai (previously called Bombay). Just a tour can not name the visit of India. It is more like a fairy tale. Time visits chose December. In my opinion, this is the most suitable period of climate. Immediately make a reservation that our goal was not a beach pastime, although, on reviews of tourists, there are several very decent resorts in Mumbai.

We stayed at the Fariyas Hotel Mumbai Fariyas Hotel Mumbai. Selected based on the location, so as not to spend a lot of time to move around the city. I liked the hotel - there is everything you need, the staff speaks English. In the rooms are chic windows from the floor to the ceiling, there is a swimming pool. Indian cuisine is worthy of a separate revocation. I will limit only by the words of delight.

The first place we visited was the famous gate to India.

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They are a basalt triumphal arch, the height of which is 26 meters. Located attraction in the southern part of the city, at the water itself. The gate to India was built in honor of visiting India by the King of Great Britain Georg V and Queen Maria in 1911. Another gate is called the gate from India, since it was through them that the country of UK's troops were left after the independence of India in 1948. Immediately at the gate is the most expensive Hotel Mumbai - Taj Mahal.

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This palace was built in 1903, becoming, as conceived, a real pearl Bombay.

Worships of art and history will certainly be visited by the Museum of Prince Welsh, which is not far from the gate of India. The collection of the museum has more than 50 thousand exhibits collected throughout the world.

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The famous Island of Elefanta was rightfully hit by the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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There is an island (the second name of Gharapuri Island) in the east of Mumbai, thanks to the extraordinary underground temples with many beautiful statues there are always a lot of tourists here.

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India is a country of contrasts, so many speak about it. To make sure it takes quite a bit of time. However, it makes it even tempting and more interesting.

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