Even slums are impressive in Buenos Aires


Buenos Aires is associated with football, tango and serials. After watching the colorful photos, I anticipated a great journey. But the capital of Argentina was impressed even more than I expected.

Up to 17th century, the city was officially called "the city of the Most Holy Trinity and the port of our Mrs. Holy Mary of good winds." Now the name has been reduced, in translation, it means "good winds".

Buenos Aires can be called the city of contrasts - modern skyscrapers border with the old Spanish quarters, and fashionable areas contrast with slums and poor quarters.

In the city you can still see vintage cars. Here, there are already a slow way to the roads by columns, make pedestrian zones and put the tile. People not only dress up with taste, but also dress up their dogs, well, just like in Paris!

There are no such winters as we have, so the poor can sleep on the mattress, right on the street almost all year round. And those inhibits who have families, build from barricade boxes on wasteland and under the overpass. They even protect their territory, and the police do not touch them. People are towing housing from buses.

In a walk along the slums, which here is called "Vichy", also have their own charm. But they could not be fully inspected - tourists stop local and forbid to enter. Shouting, with full horror with eyes, which can not be further, it seems to be with an expensive fotik and a smartphone from slums do not go out.

And the center of the capital is beautiful, some places here are no worse than in Madrid or Paris. Almost all buildings in excellent condition, but there are abandoned.

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The main business is divided between diasporas. For example, the Russians are engaged in sewing, hold the studio of clothing repair, dry-cleaners for the Japanese, Chinese, jewelery and real estate supermarkets and Armenians.

From the walk in the center you get great pleasure. By the way, there is one of the widest streets in the world - 100 meters, but there is no underground transition, only Zebra. Argentines joke that they are too proud to walk under the ground.

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In Buenos Aires, many good restaurants and cafes, where you can take a bottle of good wine for 5-10 dollars. And for souvenirs, go to the street of Defense. And do not be afraid to bargain, otherwise you risk returning home without a penny.

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