All about Rest on Riviere Maya: reviews, tips, guidebook


Riviera Maya is a hundredokilometer coastal strip of the Caribbean, which stretches from Cancun to Tulum. An ideal place for outdoor activities and for those who are used to resting on the "All Included" system. We arrived with the intention not only to relax, but also look at the famous Maya ruins, so they stopped at a villa with breakfast in the resort town of Playa del Carmen. For those who wish not only to sow on the beach is an ideal place. From this city, it is convenient to get to the famous cities of Chechen Itsa and Tulum. It is also easier to order a tour of the lagunas boat with a race to the island of women. So the Isle Mucheres island sounds in translation. The excursion to Chechen-ICU is better to order through tourist sites, there you can find a Russian-speaking guide, and they have a good program. In Tulum we traveled on our own, by taxi. The excursion did not take. The entrance to the ruins of the fortress with various temples was cheap. The town himself is small, but a lot of cafes, where you can have a snack for 2-3 dollars. 2 days we rested in 2 parks, I want to tell about them.

All about Rest on Riviere Maya: reviews, tips, guidebook 1114_1

All about Rest on Riviere Maya: reviews, tips, guidebook 1114_2

This is the preserve Park Shel ha and Ecological Park Riviera-Mayvarket. Ticket we bought on the site, and one ticket for visiting both parks costs cheaper than to buy separately. We were worth 165 dollars per person. Their prices are constantly changing on the site. Maybe cheaper and more expensive. First I will tell about the second park. This is a park with costume ... Read fully

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