Peter: Miracle of Light Tit Ratish Treasures


Always dreamed of visiting Peter. Therefore, having arrived in Jordan, the first thing went there. This ancient city is the capital of the Nabatoe kingdom, one of the main attractions of the country. The Russian-speaking guide told us that the word Peter means "rock".

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The entrance to Peter for foreign tourists is 90 dinars, it is about 127 dollars. But in order to see one of the new seven "miracles of the world", it is not a pity to give these money.

To get into the ancient capital, you need to go through a kilometer through the Sik Gorge - a narrow passage, over which rocks are squeezed, almost closed at an altitude of about 90 meters. And only the gorge wilt is the last time, the magnificent Palace of El Hazne opens the breath of tourists, that is, the treasury carved right in the rock. Here you feel yourself a hero of the film about Indiana Jones, when you look at mystical sculptures and reliefs whispering about the secrets of the afterlime world. To think only, this magnificent city has created more than 2,000 years ago, but it has been preserved to our time! You can stand at the entrance to Peter for a very long time, informing, where the ancient treasures are hidden. By the way, inside is empty and not as impressive, although, according to legend, it is here that unpretentious wealth is kept. The facade of the city is amrane by bullets of Bedouins, who believed that it is worth getting into a special place, as the golden rain is poured. But their efforts were never crowned with success, and the treasures were still not found.

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The city was located at the intersection of two important trading paths. The first joined the Red Sea and Damascus, and the second is the Persian Bay and Gaza off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Not one hundred years of Peter flourished thanks to trade, but when the Romans mastered the east of the land trade in the east of the land trade, and the "rock" was empty and lost in the wilderness.

In various era, the owners of Petra changed. Among them were doing idumes, Nabotes, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs. And in the 12th century the city owned crusaders. Nabotes were wise, they were interested in the culture of other peoples, which is why the Egyptian, Greek-Roman traditions, motifs of mesopotamia and local styles are so bizarrectically intertwined in Peter.

In this legendary place a soul freezes. It seems that - here, and from the hiding in the twilight of the city there will be an ancient inhabitants and take you with you to tell the great secrets that may never reveal to curious researchers.

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