Excursions in Nikolaevka: What to see?


I recently wrote about holidays in Nikolaevka. I myself was a resident of Crimea in the 80s. Then there was also the Soviet Union, and the Crimea wore the status of the All-Unionable Health. Already then the village of Nikolaevka possessed the infrastructure necessary for vacationers. The private sector was developed, was offered housing for every taste and wallet. Yes, now the tourist market has been huge, compared with Soviet times development. You can easily go to any corner of the planet, to any country, to any resort. But ... there are difficulties with obtaining visas, time zones, many hours of flights. Not everyone has sufficient financial resources for a full-fledged holiday abroad. In addition to these obstacles, there are also more subjective factors: the elderly does not recommend a sharp change of climate, children are difficult for long flights and a change in the usual nutrition and so on. Here on the revenue and will come rest in Nikolaevka. For children, here the sea is suitable as anywhere in the Crimea. Yes, and prices here do not have huge teeth. In early July, I myself visited Nikolaevka, I stayed at my long-time friend at school. He has his own little tour desk, a bus and several minibuses. He has several competent girls-guides. Guides were a serious approach when taking a job. The girls know very well the history of the peninsula with ancient times to our time. Excursions are really cognitive and interesting. I compare the price of an 8-hour excursion to the valley of butterflies on the island of Rhodes from Lindos: 70 euros per person. I do not make an advertisement to your friend, I will not even call the company, but believe me, it does not smell like that money here.

I'll tell you about some excursions from Nikolaevka. It was not interested in specific prices, but as said, quite suitable for the middle rest. Now I am writing, based on information from advertising booklets, which grabbed from the Crimean rest.

The first, this, of course, is a very interesting excursion to the city of Balaklava, which is not on Soviet maps. This trip will be interested in women and children, and especially those who served in the army of men. This trip will take almost all day. First, the city of Inkerman with a visit to the acting male monastery and the fortress of Calamite. Then we go to Balaklava. On a sheer cliff, like the guard of the bay fortress Cambalo, founded by the Genoese. A short walk on a completely secret in the past city, and attention, visiting one of the most secret objects in its time - submarine repair plant. Channels, manually cut down in the rocks, repair docks in the womb of the Crimean rocks, a secret outlet for boats in the sea. By the way, learn that the "Bangdugans" and special forces are currently a black hat with eye slits, called "Balaklava", they worked the plant staff. No one seen each other's persons. Then exit on the boat in the open sea, fish dinner from the owners of the Black Sea depths, bathing. On the way back the short stop on the afternoon snack on the shores of the beautiful Lake Mangup.

The next tour of the historical excursion, in the ancient capital of the Crimean Khanate, the city of Bakhchisarai. Part of the name of the city - Saray - translates as the palace. Here was the main residence of the Dynasty of the Crimean Khan - the Khan Palace. Then, visit the currently operating cave male Assumption Monastery. The candle put in the rocky main arrival, they say, has amazing properties. Optionally, you can visit the cave city of Chufut-Kale. Of course, this excursion does not need to take small children under 12, and the shoes on the hairpins are not welcome. Yes, the monastery is waiting for the monastic meal. Excursion begins after 14, and ends at about 22 hours.

For those who are interested in mountains, caves and speleology, there will be an unforgettable excursion to the red cave. On the Crimean Tatar Kizl Koba. Here you will see the underground river in the limestone bed. The water in it is very cold, and scored in a bottle is saved by a fresh long time. For hardened people - swimming under the jets of mountain waterfall Such, and who is "dense", bathes in a lake formed by a waterfall. Children under 12 years old are not welcome. Convenient shoes and bathing facilities are welcomed. Duration: from 7 am and before lunch.

For children there is a tour that is called "Sevastopol - children."

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After crossing over the northern bay, the boat sails throughout the Sevastopol coast. Then the mooring of the Count Pier, a monument to flooded ships, with fascinating guide stories.

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Not a tiring walk through the city with a visit to the saints for the Russian man of monuments.

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Then visit the dolphinarium, the dolphin show, the marine aquarium. For children, just unforgettable excursion! From Dolphinarium - for lunch to the restaurant, and returning to a minibus in Nikolaevka.

This is only a small main part of the excursions. There are thematic trips to the Grand Yalta, a visit to the Livadia Palace and the House-Museum of Chekhov, Gurzuf, Artek and Bear Mountain, Ancient Chersonese and Children's Health of Evpatoria with her famous and children's beaches.

Historic places worthy of tourist's attention next to Nikolaevka set, and on the peninsula - a great set. I also want to emphasize that you do not need to look for Russian-speaking guides, as abroad. Criterion of excursions price-quality, above all praise. So, if you convinced my story, then you and your children - in the Crimea!

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