What is worth looking at Corsica?


National House Museum of Napoleon Bonaparte

This attraction in Ajaccio is the main one. Li joke - here was born and spent the first nine years of life the famous French emperor! This family nest was built in the seventeenth century. At first, not only Bonaparticles lived in the building, but also other tenants, as long as all the premises were not bought for themselves.

The state received this structure as a gift from the heir of the great Frenchman - Prince Victor. Nowadays, it is called "National Museum of Napoleon Bonapora". Among the objects of the exposition is a collection of weapons, many portraits of the emperor himself and his family, as well as - an old documentation that has an attitude towards them.

Dolmen Staticia-del Diabolo Complex

Near Philitats there is a dollar static-del-debolo complex, a differently called "devil shop" - Fontanaccha. His time spared, not as an example of the rest of the complexes. At the stations located near the plots, Palazho and Renago are located more than three hundred buildings from the stone dated to the bronze age.

Archaeological complex PhilTosa

The north of the port propriano is the attraction, which is the Corsican analogue of Stonehenge, is called the philos. In this complex there are about two dozen stone figures, which are eight thousand years old. They depict faces, armor and weapons. Megalithites occupy a very considerable territory. According to historical data, people lived here in the Neolithic and the beginning of the Bronze Age, but Philostic found only in the middle of the last century - in 1946, and in 1954, archaeological works began in this area. As a result of the research, ceramics remains and arms for arrows were found, their age is more than five thousand years. Figures-Mengram, which in height reach two or three years, about three and a half thousand years. Filitos is included in the UNESCO Heritage List.

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Palace Cardinal Fesha

Palace Cardinal Fesha - Uncle Emperor Napoleon - was built in the sixteenth century. The building has a museum of arts and a cardinal library. In the museum you can see a solid collection of painting - the work of such mastyt Italian artists, like Titian, Paolo Veronese, Lorenzo-Di-Credit and Sandro Botichelli. Cardinal at one time acquired about three thousand paintings. The most important work is the work of Bothichelli - "Madonna with a baby."

Chapel-Imperial Chapel

This chapel was built on the place where the exit from the courtyard in the Palace of Cardinal Fesha is located. Shapel-Imperial - Family Tomb of Bonaparts. Cardinal Fesh wished before his death so that all family members would find rest in one place and happened. The cardinal himself buried also here.

Cathedral Ayachcho

Saint-Marie Cathedral, located in Ajaccio, is a must-see point. Since you came to this city, it is worth seeing such beauty. The structure is located at the intersection of ul. Saint-Charles and ul. Forci-termin. It is amazingly beautiful. To this day, you can see the marble font, in which Napoleon Bonaparte was baptized. One chapel was decorated with the work of Ezhen Delacroix - "Virgo with the Holy Heart" - one of the most beautiful works of this French artist.

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Museum of ethnography Corsica

This cultural institution is located in the Palace of rulers. Among the subjects of the local exposition is an antique collection of objects of art and products of folk craftsmen, as well as exhibits that are acquainted with the local nature. Walking around the museum, you can enjoy a beautiful view of the city.

Church of St. Dominica

The visiting in Bonifacio first try to visit exactly here. The church is built in the style of Gothic, with it there is a hexagon bell tower. If you compare it with other churches on the island of Corsica, then the Church of the Holy Dominic looks more compromised. Next to her there are ruins of fortifications - walls dated from 14-15 centuries, as well as a Torrion's sentiment tower with a height of 35 meters. This structure was built in 11-13 centuries.

Fjord Calanche de Piana

This fjord is a natural miracle: he became famous because of unusual red granite rocks. They have strange forms that have turned out through the weathelation of rocks - these rocks are similar to the figures of animals, the famous of them received the name of a dog's head. During the sunset, the fjord acquires a pink-purple color, which makes it an excellent, spectacular object of attention of tourists. You can see this miracle using the maritime excursion. Fjord Calanche de Piana is a UNESCO World Heritage Object (it is part of the Scandol Reserve, which also has this status).

Skandol Reserve

This reserve combines many manifestations of the natural beauty of nature taken under the control of the UNESCO organization. Thanks to the processes of volcanic eruptions and prolonged weathering, the local rock formations form many interesting objects - grottoes, caves, rafts, jets of stone slabs ... In addition to the unique geological wealth, this area is also a house for a large number of various representatives of the plant and animal world. Here, the colonies will be treated by sea birds, the reserve also became the home for dolphins and rare fish species. On local cliffs, a rare species of feathered - giant seagull nest.

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Saint Florent Cathedral

Saint Florent Cathedral is an important attraction of the Corsican commune of Saint-Flore. He is a national state monument. When the cathedral was built - it is unknown, they know only that this happened in the period from 1125th to the 1140th year. For the first time about the Cathedral of St. Florent mentioned in the 1176th year. The architectural style of the architecture - Lombardian-Romanesque, however, she experienced serious changes in his century.

Church of St. Mary.

The status of the cathedral received this church immediately after the construction. She considers the largest most rich in all Corsica. Not so long ago, full-scale restoration work was carried out here, but the building retained its original splendor. In the Church of St. Mary, visitors can admire the impressive collection of paintings, as well as, of course, the beauty of the internal decoration of the most buildings.

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