Why is it worth going to Malta?


The Maltese archipelago is located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. Interestingly, this tiny European state has the same geographical latitude as the African Tunisia. The most close to Malta is Sicily (about 90 kilometers by sea), much further in the southern direction - Libya.

Prices for a trip to Malta are comparable to tours to popular European countries. However, the impressions of the rest are much brighter. Those who are accustomed to the sandy beaches of Turkey and Egypt, the stony Maltese coast (in its most) can come to taste. Therefore, tourists who believe that the best holiday in the world is Turkey, there is no place. So that there were no disappointments and negative inadequate feedback about Malta. Understand that there is no ideal place to relax. Everyone sees it in its own way.

However, for lovers of history and architecture, the place to rest is better than Malta, find it difficult. Here you can see the ancient temples, the monuments of the art of the Roman, Arab, Phoenician civilizations.

Despite the fact that Malta is a very small state, it has a richest history. There is such a number of architectural monuments and culture that they would be enough for several big states. A geographical position contributed to a large extent. Let me remind you that the archipelago is located in the center of the Mediterranean, and few ships passed by the Movie Maltese islands. Malta owned many who had a strong fleet: Carthagean and Phoenicians, Byzantines and Romans, then the island was given to the Order of John, the British became the last "hosts". Naturally, each nation left at least something on the islands of Malta. Only the Turks were not lucky, they could not conquer the heroic island.

At different times, Malta visited famous people. The first was Odyssey, Enchanted by Nymph Calypso. Then in 60 of our era near the island as a result of the shipwreck, a ship was crashed on which the Apostle Paul traveled. Sounded the archipelago also Napoleon Bonaparte, by the way, who captured the islands at all without a fight. Malta glorified by their presence and one of the most romantic couples - Admiral Nelson and Lady Hamilton.

But still the greatest interest, perhaps, represents History of the Stone Age (Megalites) And all related to the time of government Knights-Johnitov . Actually, Malta and Maltese Order are inseparable.

More recently it was believed that the Egyptian pyramids in Giza are the most ancient facilities on the planet. However, studies confirmed that Megalithic temples Founded in Malta, for 1000 - 1500 years older than the oldest of the pyramids! Like this. Whether this is not a reason to get acquainted with this mysterious country.

It has been established that Megalites were built about 6,000 - 7,000 years ago from huge stone blocks. And so far, scientists are not able to solve the problem, how in those ancient times with primitive means people could move and raise such gravity. There are several such places on the islands of Malta: in Gantia, on the island of Gozo. The most surviving structure is located in Hagar Kim, next to the village of Creneni.

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It is proved that construction was carried out with the help of stone guns and devices. Although by the time the metal was already known everywhere. And this is also one of the mysteries of this prehistoric culture.

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Externally, Megaliths are reminded by English Stonehenge. But actually looks much more cool! And solid. But personally, I had a question: why didn't the megalithic temples have been "unwound" to Maltese? After all, in fact, few of ordinary people in the world know about these structures. It's a pity.

Many unresolved mysteries in themselves Hal Safliament . This is a huge multi-storey underground structure. Called Hypologist . Hypologic for several centuries fell in a rock. Also, that is not surprising for Malta, stone weapons. Significantly unknown the true purpose of hypogium. Since the remains of several thousand people were found in Hal Saflinia (!), It is believed that the hypochi served as a place of burial and cult worship. However, other finds prove, there was such a school to teach the priestess.

But approximately in 2000 BC, this prehistoric mysterious people completely disappear from sight. And as always, only questions without answers. Only incomprehensible traces remained in Maltese rocks, more precisely - furrows from primitive prehistoric wagons on the sled.

Not impressive?

Then look next.

The most glorious history of Malta is associated with The story of the knightly Order of John which has a different name - hospitallers. To tell here about the whole history of the Order I will not. I would only note that at the end of the XIII century, knights, having lost its position on the Holy Land, retreated to the island of Rhodes. There they were detained more than 200 years, holding back Turkish raids to Europe. In 1522, Turkish Sultan Suleiman magnificently managed to "knock out" John from Rhodes. The knights had an acute need for a new homeland. And in 1530, Emperor Karl V presented the Order of Hospitallers of the Earth on the Islands of Malta, which heavily shook at that time.

The arrival of John the Malta revived trade. Almost immediately began to build defensive structures. To the Order Foundation began to receive great donations from all over Europe and mining from pirate attacks on Turkish commercial vessels, and their own chop income sharply went up.

It did not like Suleiman magnificent and, finally, in 1565 he attacked Malta, sending almost a 100,000 army to her shores. The Turkish siege lasted several months with constant attacks and shelling from guns, and the Turks often used the heads of the dead Maltesers instead of the nuclei. Directly knights in these heroic days on the island there was a little more than a hundred. But they kept persistently and, no matter how it seemed impossible, it was these knights who won a great victory. They were able to protect Malta to organize the local population, consisting, in essence, from artisans and workers. Many ordinary people after that knightly title was given. In the end, the multi-thousand Turkish army was forced to retreat.

The unparalleled defense of Malta still lives in popular memory. Ioannite knights recognized the savings of the whole of Europe. Then it turned out what you can now see in Malta. The huge remedies flew here in order to turn the country into an impregnable fortress. A newly built city has become a newly built city, which was named after Jean Pariso de La Valletta, the Grand Master of the Order of John and Commander-in-Chief of Malta. Subsequently, the capital of the state was transferred here.

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In various museums, Vallettes, the heroic defense of Malta is described in detail.

The strengths of the empire appeared and disappeared, and the Maltese remained. They all survived and not in the last role due to hard work, patience and faith in the best future. At the same time they managed not to call the whole world. Even the opposite. More friendly and open people are not on the whole coast of the Mediterranean Sea. And I personally liked it, so it is respect for the British and no hostility. But they, in fact, were Malta's colonizers more than 150 years. It is strange.

At the end of an interesting fact. In 1798, the Russian emperor Paul I became a great Master of Maltese Order.

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