When is it worth going to rest in Bangkok?


Exotic, shocking, very contrast, called "the city of angels", then "Eastern Venice", Bangkok lures millions of tourists in its networks annually. Thanks to the subequatorial climate, it is possible to rest in Bangkok annually, however, it is worth knowing when you do a little more comfortable, and when it is a little more profitable.

When is it worth going to rest in Bangkok? 11002_1


Winter in Bangkok is the best time of the year. The rains at this time almost never happening, the evenings are fresh enough (compared to spring, for example), the humidity falls down, the heat is transferred easier, which is important for such a megalpolis. It is still warmer in mid-February, before the onset of the hottest period in the year - Spring. This time is ideal for those who dream of studying the sights of Thailand - to another season it will make it much more difficult. At the same time, Thais celebrate the official New Year and the Chinese New Year in the lunar calendar, and Bangkok becomes more and more, more beautiful, brighter. Before the Chinese New Year, many large shops and shopping centers arrange sales. Of the minuses of the winter period: it is at this time, especially on New Year's Eve, air carriers and hotel owners significantly increase their prices.

When is it worth going to rest in Bangkok? 11002_2


While for us - spring is the time of updates and flowering, in Bangkok Spring is the hottest, stuffy and exhausting time of the year. Precipitation at this time is also almost no longer, only closer to the end of May they begin rain, but the thermometer's column often exceeds 40 degrees. It is at this time of year that the longest solar activity is the longest light day and the warmest nights. If you have health problems, you should refrain from traveling in Bangkok in the spring. But still, and in the spring trip to Bangkok you can find our advantages. First, it was this year that in the capital of Thailand, there are a large number of holidays and festivals, such as the national day of the Thai elephant or the day of coronation. But most of all tourists go to the Thai New Year Songkran, who is celebrated in mid-April. One of the fun traditions of the New Year celebration is watering (unfortunately not at all clean). Another advantage is that housing prices at this time of the year are slightly lower than during the period of Christmas and New Year holidays, although, yet, higher than in the rainy season.

When is it worth going to rest in Bangkok? 11002_3


In the summer, in Bangkok, the junction heat is replaced by storm rains. Flooding, so when choosing housing, you should clarify whether the selected area of ​​the city floods. Humidity reaches 80 percent, air seems to be impregnated with moisture and as if consisting of small droplets. The rains begin quickly, unexpectedly, it is desirable to always wear a raincoat with them, often accompanied by shrins and thunderstorms. By the end of the summer, the rains go almost daily. It should be remembered that during this period, flights can be canceled because of the country and abroad due to weather conditions. But there is in this period and pros: firstly, both batch tours and individual offers on flights and hotels, fall apart from their usual cost. And, secondly, it is in the summer months that the grandiose sale of goods and services called: "Amazing Thailand Grand Sale". At this time at discounted prices, you can buy not only clothes, shoes, decorations, electronics, but also at discounted prices to visit various events, relax in the spa or get a significant discount on the menu in a number of restaurants. Unfortunately, sales do not have pre-agreed dates: you can only learn about it a few days before it starts.

When is it worth going to rest in Bangkok? 11002_4


In September, the rain pours also often, as in August, but the air temperature slightly decreases, the sun looks less likely, the sky becomes more frozen, and the evenings are cooled. However, everything changes by the end of October: the rains are less, the air is land and cooler. In November, with the establishment of comfortable temperatures, the high season begins. It is this time that is ideal for acquaintance with the Thai capital, inspecting its attractions. Prices are beginning to grow with a decrease in precipitation.

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