What you need to know going to rest in Vietnam?



What you need to know going to rest in Vietnam? 11000_1

Vietnam's currency is called Vietnamese Dong (denotes characters ₫ or VND). Divided into 10 hao or 100 su. 1 US dollar = about 20,000 dong. International ATMs can be found in most tourist centers throughout the country. It is better to use dong if you make purchases in rural areas, but dollars are accepted in larger centers. Credit cards are also many where they are accepted, although they may not accept them in small stores and restaurants.


What you need to know going to rest in Vietnam? 11000_2

Vietnam is a fairly safe strange for travel. But, as in a number of Asian countries, petty stealing is the main problem in tourist centers. Especially in Ho Chi Minh City and Nha Trang, where robberies happen most often. Enforced crimes against foreigners, however, are not very frequent cases, but just keep everything under control when you go to walk in the evening. Fraud, especially from travel agencies - such a plague in Vietnam and to this day remains the main source of complaints among tourists. So before contacting any agency in Vietnam, explore the reviews on the Internet or contact those through which your friends issued. Tours from Hanoi in Halong - at the peak of unscrupulous transactions.


What you need to know going to rest in Vietnam? 11000_3

It turns out that the local police do not speak English at all. Usually, tourists are in the police come with complaints on quirky travel agents - in practice the same polystama can do little, you may not even lose time. But if it makes you feel better, please contact how much you like.


Vietnam health is better than in neighboring Cambodia and Laos, but still remains underdeveloped in Western standards. If some serious problem happened (pah-pah), I am afraid, I will have to be evacuated to Singapore or Thailand. Well, do not forget about the insurance.


What you need to know going to rest in Vietnam? 11000_4

Vietnam has a comprehensive public transport system. Airplanes, trains and buses cover the whole country. However, transport here is some slow, so if you are trying to see how much more Vietnam for your short trip, you risks - spend most of the time on the way. Bus and railway tickets to joy are very affordable. But trains on trains are better to order in advance.


What you need to know going to rest in Vietnam? 11000_5

Entry in Vietnam is quite simple. If you are driving up to 15 - the visa is not needed. If a longer time is required. Vietnam visa can be obtained directly on the border of arrival, and there is no visa collection for Russian citizens. If you want to stay in Vietnam longer, you need to place an online application through the Department of Immigration Vietnam (then a visa will go to the passport on arrival at the airport) or contact the Vietnam consulate in Moscow in advance. Also, your passport must act at least six months at the time of entry into the country.

Vietnamese language

What you need to know going to rest in Vietnam? 11000_6

Vietnamese is very difficult. A written language can mislead foreigners as some Latin letters sound not at all as, say, in English. But do not even bother. In the tourist cities and resorts, many Vietnamese speak English, although this is not an overwhelming majority. In more distant areas of those who speak English, in general can recalculate on the fingers. Some old Vietnamese can talk in French than in English.


What you need to know going to rest in Vietnam? 11000_7

In Vietnam, two seasons are a hot dry season and a hot wet season. But for us in Vietnam is always very hot and somehow swender. Vietnam can be divided into three main zones, where weather conditions are very different at the same time of the year.

And a few words

What you need to know going to rest in Vietnam? 11000_8

Vietnam, nevertheless, not the most popular country in this area among tourists. Maybe the root of this problem is fraud. I do not know, it's just somehow more our more go to Thailand, everything is already sharpened under our compatriots. But, in spite of all sorts of nasty, which write on the Internet, and which I wrote, still a very random concept. In the sense, it is not necessary to "shod" ten minutes after landing. The overwhelming majority of Vietnamese-honest and hardworking, they will rather treat you with beer than a couple of dozens of unnecessary dollars for the same circle will lead. And yet, such cases are there, and it is necessary to be a little more careful. Of course, if you climb the debres, away from tourist noisy centers, the less likely that the travel agent will be heated. On the other hand, well, who hunting to go to Debresi, if you just want to lie on the beach? So do not worry once again. Vietnam is a magnificent country, and although they will come here a bit more expensive than in the neighboring Cambodia, Laos and the good old Thailand.

Features mentality

What you need to know going to rest in Vietnam? 11000_9

If you were invited to visit Vietnam, then do not be surprised that the festive lunch will take place on the floor. But do not plunge where it fell - a place is fixed behind all family members here, so let the invited you will indicate where you can sit down. But, most likely, it will be a place next to the owner or the most convenient place (since you are a special guest). And after lunch you will be offered to stay and stay at night. It is not accepted here to eat everything from your plate - so you will show that you are not found, and you will quickly put more food. By the way, do not be surprised if the Vietnamese will be during the meal of the chakkut and touch the legs with their hands - it is generally normal.

What you need to know going to rest in Vietnam? 11000_10

And on the other hand, you note that fruits here are eating very chinno: clean and cut, and not bite from a whole piece. Just a little confuse that the Vietnamese can calmly sleep onto the floor next to the interlocutor, to remove two meters and go to the toilet (if on the street, of course) or throw apart directly on the table, and not to the plate. With all this, it seems like, Blessuria, Vietnamese are still very tactful and modest people. And also - very friendly. If you asked on the street from Vietnamese about anything, he will certainly join the conversation and ask everything he needs. It is also quite normal that the two men here go beyond the hand or in an embrace is only a manifestation of friendship. At the same time, the open manifestation of gentle feelings between a man and a woman in public places is not very common, so, and you be more respectful.

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