Features of rest in Rome


Rome is a great city having a very rich and rich history. Today, in times more and more tourist development, the city also began to attract more attention to travelers around the world. The story that has already has a lot of millennia began in 753 BC, when, according to legend, Romulus killed his brother Rem and founded the Great City of Rome. After that, the city grew into a whole state, the empire, which became one of the greatest and powerful in the world.

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Such famous emperors like Guy Julius Caesar, Gney Pompei, Traian, Octavian August and others, contributed not only to the development of the empire on the political and economic map of the world, but also in the border of the city and its appearance. After numerous attacks of Vandals, Vinda, the city survived a lot of suffering, but he was very lucky to be practically completely preserved during the Second World War, which was not so favorably reacted to the rest of Europe.

On seven hills, in the central part of the Appeenin Peninsula and is located Rome. Mario Mountain is located right in the city and is about 140 meters in height. The Tiber River shares Rome into two parts, and that the full river does not come out of the banks, large parapets from the stone built here, after which the townspeople have long forgotten what is flooding.

The city is very beautiful and full of attractions that are fully literally at every step. Therefore, tourists are best walking around the city and inspect them on foot, because each of them is in close proximity to the other. Although the city transport system in Rome is developed very well. You can move on the subway, bus or tram. In the city, all public transport belongs to one company, which allows you to enjoy a single ticket for travel, which is sold in newsstands, metro checks or automata directly at stops. In addition, travel tickets can be purchased here.

But as for a taxi, here the taxi drivers do not stop on the waving hands, so if you decide to use their services, then you should call a taxi by phone or search the place of his stop.

Rome hotels are long one of the most expensive in Europe and, which are surprisingly established by the state of Italy. Therefore, I don't even try to find very cheap accommodation. Of course, there are hostels in the city, but they are much more expensive in the hostels of other countries. Many hotels have been created in the form of ancient mansions or castles, so you can feel like real nobles. Believe me, in the local hotels, the price is fully justified.

And now let's talk about the sights of the city, or rather, the most popular of them. If you arrived in Rome for just a few days, then you just do not have enough time. Therefore, start from the luxurious Colosseum - an amazing amphitheater built on the site of Nero Sea in the 80th year. The ruins of the Colosseum are simply unique. Looking at them feel like a little bug in a huge labyrinth of stones. Scale are simply unreal.

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The second place of visiting is the famous Fountain of Trevi, which displays the God of Neptune, moving on his chariot to the ocean. The chariot is harnessed by the covered horses and young marine gods. The fountain is simply amazing, especially in the evening, when they turn on the backlight and the gods seem real.

Popular tourist sites are also considered: the Vatican Museum, famous for the Sicstinian Chapel; Piazza Della Rotonda Square with Roman Temple - Pantheon; Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore, dated 431th year; Museum of Art Villa Borghese; Arch Constantine; Castle of the Holy Angel; Cathedral of St. Peter and so on.

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And of course, Italy, and in particular, Rome cannot leave without becoming acquainted with the gastronomic characteristics of his institutions, since Italian cuisine is known all over the world. On all urban territory there is simply a huge number of establishments, both luxurious and budget, so every visitor Rome will find a place here in the soul and on the wallet. Classic home cooking is Spinosi Alberto. It is surprisingly prepared fish dishes and delicious homemade baking.

Margutta Vegetariano-Ristorarte Restaurant is suitable for vegetarians, but we recommend La Rosetta restaurant with seafood with its unsurpassed fish assortment. If you prefer to try traditional Italian dishes, it is worth looking at La Taverna Del Ghetto, because it is here that the paste is preparing on a regular recipe, without any sided impurities.

And here are the places such as Agata E Romeo, as well as IL Convivio will suit the gourmet, because these dishes are: tomatoes in caramel glaze, pumpkin flowers with filling, cucumber sorbet, rabbit with spices, original meat dishes and other gastronomic exotic masterpieces.

Moreover, Rome has more than fifty pizzerias, who are always happy to visitors, because Pizza in Rome is simply amazing, not to mention the diversity of stuffs that can be ordered.

Shopping in Rome can not be cheap, because it is the capital. The main shopping street is considered Via Del Corso, consisting exclusively from shops, and passing through the city center. The streets of Sistina, Via Condotti, Borgognona are located only expensive boutiques of such trading brands like Gucci, TrusSardi, Giantranco Ferre, Laura Biagiotti, Valentine and others. But the Via Nazionale district is also shot by expensive shops and famous brands, but here there are cheaper stores, offering good quality at an affordable price. Tourists part attend universal shops like La Standa, Coin, Upini.

Rome is a very safe city, so you can safely walk here and at night. But still it is worthwhile to beware of fraudsters and street thieves on mopeds, which break the bags from the shoulders right on the go.

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Try to hang cameras, camcorders and bags on the neck, and not on the shoulders. The place of their main fishery is Termini Station and other crowded people. In addition, the little gypsies are dangerous and small gypsy, which operate according to the scheme: Some distracts you, while others pull out wallets, valuable things.

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