What excursions should go to Australia?


Australia is a surprisingly beautiful and distinctive country. And its numerous sights can not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated travelers. The most famous feature of Australia is that the whole country takes up a whole continent, and this continent is the smallest on our planet. Most museums are concentrated in Sydney, and in the rest of the country there are not many of them. But the sights created by nature are scattered throughout the continent. And they are very diverse and each of them is worthy of attention. And the country itself can be divided into the mainland and island part.

Beautiful beaches and world famous opera building in Sydney and Bridge Harbor can be attributed to the sights of Australia. For one trip, it's hard to see all this. Therefore, many tourists in spite of the difficulties of a long flight visit this amazing country again and again.

Great Barrier Reef

It is abbreviated called BBR and it is one of the largest coral reef systems around the world.

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It consists of almost 3000 reefs and about 900 islands. All this beauty is stretched at 2600 km on the territory of about 350 sq. Km. This famous reef is in the north of the mainland in the Coral Sea. This is the largest formation in the world that was created by alive organisms and its size is as allowed to see it even from space. In the north, it is practically not interrupted and is located 50 km from Australia. And in the south, the barrier reef looks simply as a group of individual reefs. This is the favorite place for divers from all over the world.

Reef itself consists of the smallest microorganisms - polyps. This miracle of nature could not not appreciate and in 1981 this reef was recognized as the object of world heritage. He constantly attracts to himself as a magnet of tourists from all over the world. Everyone wants to see the magic underwater world and fabulous islands with their own eyes. But the whole world of beauty is very fragile and when visiting the reef needs to be followed. For example, the government's government during underwater excursions is prohibited to touch the reefs, and the tents can be put only on some of the islands.

Bahrra and Himan are the most expensive and well-known islands of the resorts of a large barrier reef. And on such islands like Heron, Magnetik and Lisard are most convenient to do diving. Dunk Islands, Hamilton, Fraser and Brampton successfully combine diving, beach holidays and entertainment.

Red Rock Ayers-Rock

It's not even a rock, but the biggest stone in the world and even no one is surprising that he is in Australia. Its height is about 350 meters and in ancient times the indigenous people of the country considered him sacred. This attraction is located near the National Park of Kat Tiuta. Tourists to this mountain accompany the aborigine guides, which are very interesting to talk about the history of this stone. It is clear that so far they consider him their shrines.

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It is said that in antiquity, this stone was an island in the lake. And this magnificent stone itself is permeated with caves and stuffed with all sorts of altars and weak inscriptions.

But this is not the only place for the worship of the aborigines. In the vicinity of the park of Kata Tyutut, there are many of them and each of them should be seen.

Cakada National Park

Before visiting this Park, many think that there are alone parrots in it, but it has nothing to do with this pennate park.

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Just in this park there was a tribe of the Aboriginal, which was called Kakada. This park is another amazing Australian miracle and it is closed from all sides with rocks and as if hidden from the rest of the world. And, perhaps, due to this, the rarest animals are preserved on the territory of the park, which is no longer found anywhere in the world.

This park you can get into the excursion or yourself. The easiest way to do this is in the northern city called Darwin. From him to the cockatoo to go only 170 km. In addition to amazing animals in the park there are two caves. Their walls, as found, are made by very ancient weak pictures.

Fraser Island

On this island, the aborigines lived before and called him Kgarey, which is translated from their language as paradise.And the contemporary name is the island awarded Captain Fraser, who after the shipwreck lived here. The island is very beautiful and interesting. In his western part there are swamps and mangrove forests, in the eastern - beautiful white sand beach long in 100 km. And the Great Sandy National Park is located in the north.

From the mainland, this island is fenced off by swampy territories. But whoever will not be afraid to overcome them will be rewarded by the view of the largest sandy island in the world and about 40 fresh lakes, which are located on it.

Great Ocean Road and 12 Apostles Victoria

This road is nothing more than an amazing beauty coast, which no tourist will leave indifferent. And the raisins of this place are 12 Apostles Victoria. This is nothing like the limestone columns located in the sea. And in this wonderful place you can see numerous rocky arches, caves and grottoes. This attraction is one of the visited and here to conduct water sports competitions, various festivals and even arrange wine tasting.

This place reminds paradise, and not just a beach. After all, there are a lot of food and beverages there are a lot of food and affectionate ocean. And there is also a variant of this beauty from a bird's-eye view, tours of the helicopter are arranged there.

It should be noted that such a romantic and beautiful this place has become only about 50 years ago. And before that, it was less attractive name, and namely "pig and piglets". But the government decided that it would be better for tourism to rename this place and they chose the name of the 12 Apostles Victoria and did the right thing. But these columns-apostles, unfortunately, are destroyed and Australia risks soon to remain without them. So, you need to hurry and go there for a tour.

This, of course, is far from all the sights of this amazing country, which does not leave anyone indifferent. And, of course, these travelers will not be able to sigh or huge insects nor numerous crocodiles.

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