Rest in Panaji: For and against


Panja is the capital of the popular and beloved by many tourists of the Indian state of Goa. This cozy little city resembles Europe more than a kind of India. This is an explanation, because at the time of Portuguese colonization in the city houses and official institutions of the ruling Portuguese elite were located. Panji also call "New Goa", because it was here that the Portuguese were forced, fleeing from floods and epidemics from the area, which is called "Old Goa" or "Goa Vella"

Rest in Panaji: For and against 10960_1

The Portuguese city spirit is especially felt on the square near the church of the immaculate. The church itself is a classic sample of a colonial architectural style. There is a lot of open cafes on the square, pigeons are calmly, such a small Rome, or rather Lisbon. Only some fruit traders or anything unsuitable to use everyone remind you that we are still in India.

Rest in Panaji: For and against 10960_2

Tourists gladly visit Panja because of interesting museums, architecture. And also Panji is a recognized shopping capital in Goa. It is here that there are many boutiques with good high-quality things, and the prices in them closer to Indian than to Portuguese. Also in the city there are many good stylish restaurants with excellent service that for Goa is a rarity. A peculiar business card of the city, which constantly causes the turbulent public protests is floating casinos - located on ships organized with chic gambling establishments.

Rest in Panaji: For and against 10960_3

Walking through a beautiful promenade of the city give a lot of positive emotions. But even more emotions tourists will receive if they purchase a ticket for a walking ship with an entertainment program. In addition to the stunning types of coastline, tourists also expect national shows, dancing and very temperamental Indian disco, during which the Hindus (mostly men) arrange real dance battles.

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