What time is it better to rest in Pokhara?


Pokhara - the second largest city in Nepal after Kathmandu. However, the city in the usual sense to name him to call him difficult. Multi-storey houses, large shopping centers, film-concert halls and other familiar attributes of megacities do not meet here. But enjoy the beautiful nature of Pokhara, mountain campaigns in the Himalayas, to glorify on the lake of FEVA, to fly on the paraglider over the ridge of Annapurna - that's what you need to go to Pokhara.

What time is it better to rest in Pokhara? 10959_1

The best time for visiting Pokhara is considered spring and very. April and May are the best time for trekking - mountain climbing in Himalayas. Pokhara surrounds the majestic and beautiful ridge Annapurna. From Pokhara, the routes of popular tracks to Pune Heil, Top Johnson, and also, with a special permission, which is not very easy to get, is in the mysterious Kingdom of Mustang. At this time, majestic snow peaks are not hidden behind the clouds and appear in all their pristine gleys, and the heat and rains, which will come to Himalayas in a few days, will not interfere with the campaign.

What time is it better to rest in Pokhara? 10959_2

Although June, July and August and is for Nepal Rainy season, however, he is not so pronounced as, for example, in neighboring India. If you do not plan to make mountain climb, then in these months you are waiting for short-term rains, more often at night, which can not significantly darken the rest. But this is a great time to get acquainted with the amazing attractions of Nepal, many of which are located next to the Break. This time, Pokhara is distinguished by low prices for accommodation, food and all services, as well as a small number of tourists, which increases the degree of comfort of relaxation.

What time is it better to rest in Pokhara? 10959_3

Starting from the second half of October and before March, winter weather is installed in Nepal, which means about 0 degrees. This temperature is not very comfortable for travel, and even more so is not compatible with mountain campaigns. However, many tourists to hold New Year's Eve and Christmas holidays in Nepal and, in particular, in Pokhara, among the beautiful nature, on the shir of the Holy Lake Fava, surrounded by the snow-covered Himalayan peaks.

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