Why do tourists choose Australia?


Australia is one of the most mysterious countries in the world. It is worth only to say that she is the sixth country in the world in the territory and the only one that fully occupies one of the mainland. But this, she, apparently, was little and she also owns the island of Tasmania and others. In addition, all the mainland, which she owns, is also named with her name. And those who wish to go there do not scare off a long flight or rumors about tremendous and terrible insects living in this country. For many years, this country has attracted travelers in many respects thanks to natural beauty and sightseeing diversity. And you can say for sure that only special tourists go to this country. They do not be afraid to burn under the sun, easily carry the daily flights and are not afraid of grasshoppers meter in length. And as a reward for such a feat, they are awaiting an unforgettable trip to a wonderful country. After all, anywhere in the world will not see so much. In addition, Australia is one of the safe and highly developed countries of the world.

Why do tourists choose Australia? 10954_1

For those who go to this country and behind the beach vacation, including such resorts such as the Golden Coast and Big Barrier Reef. These places are located in the east of the country.

And fans of exotic and crocodiles, including, should go north. It is there that they live in a large quantity. There you can see the settlements of the Aborigines and many parks with waterfalls.

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Australia is a big country and moving around it best on the plane. It will cost quite inexpensive, as there are a lot of airlines in this country. And they compete with each other and offer very attractive prices for their services. In addition, this is the fastest way to get to the place. Railway communication in Australia is not well developed and no matter how paradoxically, it costs the air transportation. But the cheapest and long way of movement in the country is a bus service. But you can perceive it as an additional excursion around the country.

And in the city it is convenient to move on buses, they work from 5 to 23 hours. Cards for travel on them are sold in kiosks at each stop. And in Sydney, for example, there is a metropolitan.

With a taxi, too, there will be no problems. The car can be ordered by phone, catch on the street or just go to the parking lot taxi.

With rental cars, too, there will be no problems. This requires international rights and driving experience from one year. Borrow car can be rented at any airport, railway or bus station. It is also possible to rent a vehicle for camping. In Australia, it is necessary to comply with the rules of the road traffic, including fastening and planting children in a car session.

For a full-fledged holiday in this country, some security measures must be observed. For example, while the skin is not accustomed to the Australian Sun, it is better to avoid direct ingress of sun rays. And to use sunscreen simply and best wearing light clothes from natural materials. It is also recommended to wear high-quality sunglasses. And it is best to swim only in the places intended for this, where there are no strong waves and underwater flows. Safe areas are designated in Australia with green flags, and the danger - yellow-red.

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In addition, as if I did not want to fully relax in nature, it is not recommended to walk on the grass barefoot or walk through Australian parks in the dark. Unfortunately, not only people, poisonous insects and snakes live in this country - also full inhabitants of Australia.

The attitude in Australia to smokers is not too loyal. Smoking is strictly prohibited in public places. And for violation of this rule, a major fine may threaten.

And if the trip to such regions of the country as Queensland and the Northern Territory are planned, it is recommended to use protective nets and means from mosquitoes. Mosquitoes in these states are carriers of dangerous diseases.

Currency exchange is best carried out at the airport and in banks. And it is also possible to exchange money without a commission in the points "Singapore Mani Ecocrd". A small commission for each exchange operation is taken at the points "Thomas Cook" and "Amerikhen Express". The exchange rate is almost the same. But a slightly less profitable course in Australian hotels. Travel checks in Australia are disadvantageous, as a tangible commission is taken for their service banks. And credit cards will be useful only in major cities, in small settlements it will be possible to pay only in cash. So it is better to take care of in advance.

For lovers of shopping, Australia also prepared a lot of pleasant surprises. In this country, you can buy precious and semi-precious stones that are mined only here. These are pink diamonds, sapphires and opals. Aboriginal products are very interesting. I think everyone will get ready to give such a gift as a beautiful and unusual product from clay and dishes. Also very popular among tourists are products from crocodile wool and sheep skin. These are wonderful warm accessories such as scarves, sweaters and caps, as well as a variety of shoes and belts.

It should be known that the time of the stores in different states is different. But usually they are all closed at 17 o'clock. Also in many cities there are markets where you can purchase the necessary goods. Including products and souvenirs.

Australian cuisine also deserves special attention. Most Australians love roasted meat. And all other products, including cheeses, vegetables, fruits and seafood, as it were, complement it. There you can taste such delicacies as opossum fillets, shark lips and crocodile meat. The taste of some dishes straight, on an amateur. And recently, fashion came to Australia to Asian dishes.

But those who want to get acquainted with local cuisine in full, will have to go around the whole country. Because in each region of Australia, the kitchen is different and there are specific dishes worthy.

In general, to examine the whole country will be more than interesting. After all, it is so diverse and not similar to any other in the world. And there will certainly want to return again.

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