Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose?


If, in addition to visiting numerous attractions and admire the nature of Malaysia, you want to witness a magnificent honoring national holidays then you need to carefully choose time and city or area in the country. After all, local holidays are still entertainment! But it must be remembered that some holidays are celebrated only in some regions, while other - throughout the country. To the latter belong Birthday of the Prophet Mohammed ( in January), Chinese New Year ( January February), Labor Day (The 1 of May), Vesak ( may 13), Birthday King Malaysia (June 7), Eid al Adha (July 28-29), Harie Merdeca (Independence Day, August 31), Day Malaysia (16 of September), Kurban-Bayram. (October 5), First day of Muharrama (first month of the Muslim calendar, October 25), Christmas (December 25). That is, even the new year on January 1 (which is called Hari Tahun Baharu) is celebrated not everywhere - in the areas of Kelantan, Johor, Kedah and another couple do not even think to cope. Or a popular holiday on the whole country, the Indian holiday Diwali is not celebrated on Sarawak (well, maybe only in families, but not at the state level), and in all other places it is celebrated. In general, if you want to witness the most magnificent and colorful events, go straight to the capital, in Kuala Lumpur. For example, at the festival Diwali.

Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_1

Sometimes it is called "dypali" or "festival of lights". This is the main Hindu holiday. The celebration symbolizes the victory of good evil, so in the city there are widespread candles, fireworks and lanterns, which adorn the statues of animals and gods, people give each other gifts, read the prayers of Lakshmi (the goddess of wealth and prosperity). Because of the manners of celebration and rituals, many compare this day with the pagan holidays of the crop.

Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_2

Diwali happens at the end of October - early November. Over the days of the holiday, several events related to Hindu gods are honored. As a rule, the holiday lasts five days, and the third day of Diwali marks the official beginning of the Hindu New Year.

Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_3

Before the dipali need to be removed and decorate the house and prepare special family dishes, well, and then processions and fireworks begin. To see the most magnificent celebration, go to little India in Kuala Lumpur. Buying new clothes is an important part of the holiday. And, of course, Indian food! Delicious snacks Murukku on large bazaars are especially popular. Also, people visit Hindu temples, participate in the creation of paint rice patterns (Kolam), on the streets they make tattoos henna, dance indian performances are held. Beauty!

Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_4

Further, Weak - Buddhist holiday in honor of birth, enlightenment and death (Parinirvan's care) Gautama Buddha.

Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_5

Local temples are decorated, in the evening, paper lanterns begin to shine everywhere (symbol of enlightenment). In the garden, the temples arrange oil lamps, residents give each other greeting cards with images of memorable events from the life of the Buddha. In the weights, residents go to temples and monasteries, flames burn there, meditate.

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Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_7

There is a tradition - to bypass around the monastery three times (in honor of three Buddhist jewels). These days can not be engaged in agriculture, which at least somehow causes harmful beings.

Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_8

In the temples carry a treat, make charity donations and other good deeds. Vaschad is noted especially magnificent in areas with a large number of Chinese, Srilakayev or Thais among other inhabiting peoples - in Penang, Perake, Kuala Lumpur and Selangore (and in every Buddhist temple throughout the country).

Further, Ramadan . This is a month of mandatory for Muslims post.

Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_9

Usually takes place in July. The most important holiday is during the daytime (from the beginning of the dawn to sunset) Muslims do not eat, do not drink, do not smoke. From reception of food, drink, smoking and intimate proximity. Most restaurants and shops are open these days, but with the exception of many Malay restaurants that are either completely closed, or open only at sunset. The most pleasant in this holiday is the night markets where you can try the most dumbfounders. And the fact that many restaurants and hotels reduce prices.

Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_10

But on the other hand, the service during Ramadan is a bit worsening - it can be understood how hard to serve the guests in such a difficult time. A little patience! By the way, during Ramadan, the ferries and buses change the usual schedule of work. And the end of Ramadan, Eid al Adha , very magnificent is celebrated.

Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_11

Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_12

Before the holiday, the alms is going to the poor, during the holiday Muslims make a festive ritual prayer, beautifully dressed, cover a lush table, convene the neighbors, relatives and friends, give gifts, having fun, asking for forgiveness.

Another interesting holiday, which just falls on a high tourist season - Taiouasam . This is a Hindu festival that is celebrated in January or February and lasts, as a rule, three days.

Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_13

Again, the holiday is based on religious events, and if more specifically, the goddess of Parvati handed the god of war to the Murugan spears, which he killed a demon. In general, the holiday symbolizes the victory of good over evil and truth over false. On this day, you will see numerous rites of worshiping this God of war, including in the form of dances - the dance of Kavadi commit all the Hindus of the city.

Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_14

The most massively celebrates this holiday in Kuala Lumpur: In the early morning, the pilgrims go from the temple of Sri Mach Mariamman to the sacred caves Batu (the final part of the procession is overcoming 272 steps).

Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_15

Pilgrims are carrying a golden chariot with them, where the statue of God is Murugan. The path of 15 kilometers commit thousands of local residents, in national clothes, it looks incredible! It is believed that those who take part in the procession make thanksgiving for past happy moments or future, or, on the contrary, it is an act of repentance for incorrect misconduct. Many of the marchs permeate the body with metal hooks or spikes (apparently those who have grown. In the caves, they remove these glands and wounds), while others carry a pot of milk on the head.

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Rest in Malaysia: What kind of resort to choose? 10952_17

If you want to visit some festival in the capital of Malaysia, it is difficult to exceed Tipus. Slightly more modest, although no less colorful processions occur in Georgetown, Ipoh (Persoch), and on Pangkor Island.

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