What is worth viewing in Algeria?


Algeria is the capital of the same name and the second largest city of North Africa. The capital of Algeria is known and the Western and Eastern world under the two names - "Bahja" or cheerful and "La Blanche" or cheerful. But in general, the name of the city happened from Al-Jazzair, which can be translated from Arab as "Islands". And all because in ancient times in the neighborhood with Algeria there were four islands, which then became part of the mainland in 1525. And this happened thanks to the pirates that we use the work of slaves and with the help of Dambia joined the islands to land.

Despite the fact that it is a multi-million city, but surprisingly bright and cozy. It can be seen that for the appearance of its capital, the government is watching very carefully. And somehow the streets of the old city and modern houses of the new new houses are well in it. There are many expensive and chic machines. Tourists can explore the remains of ancient attractions and swim in the affectionate waters of the Mediterranean Sea. And from the southern part of the country, the hot breath of the Sahara, which manites to himself.

The modern part of the city was spread on the coast, and the ancient part is on a steep hill. The highest point of the city is a height of 140 meters above sea level. And this vertex is part of the triangle, which includes two urban berths.

As it should be the capital, Algeria is the most important financial, business and industrial center of its country. And also this is one of the large ports in the Mediterranean Sea. The city is very good for the Arab country developed industry. Many surprises that along with the food and textile industry, there are also mechanical engineering. Also in Algeria there is a stock exchange. And for the convenience of residents and tourists built the metro.

But besides, this is a modern and fairly developed capital, Algeria has an ancient story that is still rich in events, which still reminds itself and can be assessed by sightseeing.

In general, the first settlement on the site of the current Algerian capital was founded by the Phoenicians in IV in BC. e. And called his Ikosium. The Phoenicians were smart people, and besides world-famous merchants and navigators. And they could not not evaluate the good location of the city and built the port there.

Later, when the Romans spread their arms into Africa, the inhabitants of the Ikosium automatically received Roman citizenship and became the subjects of the emperor of Vispecian. The spread of Christianity did not bypassed this city and according to historical data already in V N. e. In the ikosium was a bishopath.

But with the fall of the Roman Empire, His former provinces were fed. The same fate was waiting for the IKOSIUM, but at the end of the X century there was a kind man - namely the Berber ruler named Ibrika Bologoda Ibn Ziri, who founded a new city on the spot Ravalin Ikosium. But happiness this city did not bring, because various Berber dynasty began to claim this tidy of the earth and this clarification of relations lasted about three centuries. But at the very beginning of the 14th century, smart Spanish invaders intervened, the Island of Penon de Agery, which is located next to Algeria. And this circumstance spurred the owners of the city to the development of trade with Spain, but still the current Algeria developed badly and was a small city.

In 1516, Algeria formally became dependent on the Ottoman Empire, and in fact he became the main base of pirates on the African continent.

Europeans suffered this disgrace for quite a long time, or rather the three centuries. After all, they had their pirates and they also wanted to capture more lands and make them with their colonies. And here they were waiting for Ottoman pirates to weaken and relax and captured Algeria, while all the property of pirates to the last boat burned.

And by 1830, the French expected to Algeria became full-fledged country colonizers and they stayed in such status as much as 1962. This happened thanks to the long and bloody liberation war of Algerians for independence. As a result, they were kicked out not only the French, but in general, all foreigners left the country's territory.

But this freedom did not bring happiness to Algerians. After all, the period has come a period of long intercible wars and frequent shifts of the government. And that the most terrible, these were civil and interreligious wars, whose echoes are heard and understood.

But despite all the shocks, the country and the capital develop and are proud of their history.

Due to the features of the relief, Algeria also call the staircase. After all, there are many stone stairs in which the streets are moving. But now, many streets have two names -Frantsom and Arabic. And it sometimes makes it difficult to find the desired street. Sometimes Algeria is called a white city due to the fact that many houses are built of white marble or stone.

In addition, there are attractions in Algeria that will be interested in history lovers.

First of all, it is recommended to visit the two most popular museum tourists - this is the Museum of Ancient History and Museum of Ethnography. Despite the fact that Algeria is not the most visited by tourists city, in these museums is always crowded. There are several more museums located in the center of the city and which will be interesting to visit. This is the State Museum of Fine Arts and the Antiquity Museum.

And all architectural monuments are compactly located in the old town. For example, it is very interesting and informative to visit three mosques, each of which is an old building.

What is worth viewing in Algeria? 10943_1

This is the oldest in the city of Jemaa al Kabir mosque (Kabir in Arabic means big), Jamea Al Jadid (jogging means new) and Jemaa-Kechaua.

Walking through the streets of the Old Town should be remembered. And the girls do not go there at all.

In the modern part of the city you can visit the post office. It is noteworthy in that it is built in the National Arabic style. And also an interesting monument dedicated to those who died in the War for Independence.

Another famous landmark of Algeria is Tassilin-Agere.

What is worth viewing in Algeria? 10943_2

This is a charming place with a fabulous, oriental scenery. There is also one of the deepest caves in the world, and the primitive people who left the drawings in this cave lived in it.

What is worth viewing in Algeria? 10943_3

The capital of Algeria rarely leaves an indifferent and many want to go back to breathe the charm of the history of this city again.

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