How to get to Kuching?


Kuching, like the capital of Sarawak, more - developed and modern place (compared to others in this area). But in general, Sarawak is still relatively undeveloped area, especially in comparison with Western Malaysia or the rest of Southeast Asia. Here you will not constantly face the crowds of people trying to "take away from you" your wonderful sunrise or sunset and climb the mountain along the exact same convenient path. Not to mention photographing "each other" next to the sights.

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Definitely, tourists are much smaller here. These are great advantages. But the minuses are that the low level of development of the tourist infrastructure may cause the movement on a sorrevaca to become rather problematic and long.

The travel between the cities of the state will be easier because most of them are small and are pretty close (sometimes before them can even get on foot If you have a lot of strength, and cities are really near. I hope you understand that I am not about the cities that are on the outskirts at the other end of the kecue). Kuching can be rented Scooters , about 40 ringgitis per day (not including gasoline) and ride anywhere.

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As far as I know, there are no rolled scooters and motorcycles in other cities of the state, except in Kuching. But, oh well. Bicycles - one more option; It can be rented for 5-8 ringgitis per day or for 10 ringgits for a whole week, if lucky.

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Just make sure that all the details of the bike, in fact, on the spot (anything happens, and then, it happens, they will dismiss without brakes - and hello!), And always try to leave the bike on the territory of the hotel or Gasthus, well, or any other relatively protected place. Just like a scooter.

Taxi - Another way to move, however, it is more profitable to apply it if you are going to move short distances, because a taxi is quite expensive here and will cost you approximately 25 ringgitis ($ 8) for a 15-minute trip.

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Of course, local drivers have a counter, but they rarely use them. Instead, drivers often place prices themselves, which, in general, can be quite well varying. So, it is better to negotiate everything in advance. If you decide to take a taxi from the airport, you can go to the rack of the taxi service and pay a taxi in advance, and you will be given a receipt. Then you go to the taxi parking lot, give the driver receipt and forth. Though without unnecessary questions and disputes.

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City buses Ride through Kuching himself and for short distances outside the city of Kuching, but they are a bit.

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If you decide to go by bus, it is better to take a card and learn in advance about local bus stops and the time of departure and arrival - although there is no guarantee that the bus will arrive at the specified time. It is a pity that there are almost no buses that would go past all tourist attractions, so such a tour will have to organize themselves if you do not want to move on a large. It will be better to do it through your hotel - they will help there, find, or collect a group of the same wishes and hire a taxi. Although, again, even on four, taxis will be expensive.

Intercity buses - A much more adequate option for lazy people. Most cities in Sarawak can be achieved on a long-distance bus.

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Is that, with the exception of small villages. By the way, none of the buses are equipped with a toilet, but, thank God, if you are going somewhere far, there are planned stops, next to kiosks, where you can buy snacks and use the toilet. We are not accustomed to us, but delicate Europeans sighs from frustration. Conditioners in these buses cruel, so, sometimes you can even frozen. But thanks, even though there is. A ticket from Kuching to the city of Miri (this is another staff, between those closer to Sabah) costs about 90 ringgitis, and just also costs travel from Miri to Kota-Kinabalu. Both trips will take about 10-16 hours depending on the selected path, road traffic and weather conditions. Be careful that if you sit on the KK-Miri bus - you will be made from ten seals in your passport, as you cross the state borders several times (very curves of the border, horror!). So it turns out even longer, naturally.

If you decide to go wisely and fly by plane , and book the flights hard in advance or you are lucky to run out of action from the main airline Air Asia, the price of a plane ticket can be even less than the bus. Yes Yes. But airports in Sarawak, and all Borneo really, quite a few. Rightly surprising even.

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Almost every major city. Little aircraft such aircraft. About ticket prices: The same goes for Malaysia Airlines or Maswings. Although more often tickets to the same flights from Maswings are cheaper than Malaysia Airlines. However, order tickets from Maswings will have to be in any case if you went to the office in some small town or village, there you will be offered tickets only by this airline.

If the funds are completely in the edge, and, if you are a bold man and are not burdened with heavy luggage with heels, try to ride in Sarawaku to hitchhike.

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Highway, by the way, is very widespread among the locals of Sarawak, and this, I hurry to calm you, it is quite safe. Sometimes for free, although some drivers may require a certain amount - this question must be found out before sitting in the car. Well, the experienced hitchhikers are aware of what to do. And during such a way of movement, the main thing is to comply with the usual safety rules: always safer to travel in a group, especially if you are a woman; It is not worth traveling in a drunken state (it is simply indecent, especially in the country where most residents are non-drinking Muslims); At night, the hitchhiking is so-so, only if there are no fluorescent strips on you (the hitchhikers sometimes do it).

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In general, it should be noted that there are more prudency traveling in Sarawak, than in most other areas of Malaysia, and even some countries of Southeast Asia. But still, let the question about whether to go to Kuching and Sarawak, do not even stand. Of course, it is worth!

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