What is interesting to see Fethiye?


Fethiye is a spa Turkish city. It is secretly divided into two parts, one of which offers resting elite apartments with a super comfortable holiday, but the other is focused on a more budget holiday - Oludeniz bay. Like the bulk of resort cities, Fethiye keeps the direction primarily on the beach holiday, but I advise you to look around, because there are weights here.

Embankment Fethiye. . There is always a good mood here, I would even say - a whole mile of good mood and a stunning aroma of Turkish coffee mixed with an invigorating marine breeze. Embankment Fethiye, originates from the yacht port and then goes along the street ataturk. It is crowded here at any time of the day, especially in the midst of the hot season. Walking along the embankment, on the one hand you can see moored pleasure boats, and from the side of the sushi you will be plagued by incredible smells of kebab, sweet baking and real Turkish coffee. Cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops and shops, smiling and fun sellers - all, it's about the fetchie promenade. Many cafes, in the midst of summer heat, put tables under umbrellas, right next to the water itself. What can be more pleasant, sitting near the water and sipping the fragrant coffee cooked in the Turk on an old and secret prescription, indulge in their dreams and fantasies.

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Fish market in Fethiye . There is a fish market in the very center of the city and is a kind of local attraction. Even if you do not like seafood too much, I advise you to visit this place for two reasons. The first reason is an incredible atmosphere that reigns in the market. The second reason is an incredible variety, marine inhabitants. Here you can see and not only see, but also try mackerel, shrimp, tuna, dorado, pelamida, squid, and fish - sword and much more. Prices in this market will surprise you with their budget availability. Any fish you will deign to choose, you will be prepared right here without departing from the place in the nearest cafe. By the way, in any cafe you will not only prepare on a magnificent recipe your acquisition, but also help you choose the most suitable wine and side disk. And, about the atmosphere. The atmosphere is fun here, brisk and romantic. Surprised? Yes, the romantic and her creation take care of the musicians who are all day long bypassing all market cafes. It works the fish market, without days off, so a special day to visit it is not at all.

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Valley butterflies . Magic name, right? This valley is incredibly beautiful, even without butterflies, but still these same butterflies, I want to see. I want to warn right away - there are butterflies here, but they are not really not so much as you can think, having heard the name of the valley. But let's go about everything in order. By land in the valley of butterflies, it is impossible to get. It is famous for the valley, reserved corners, lush vegetation, waterfalls and of course tiger butterflies. As for the butterflies, it should be noted that the largest number of these mothers of magicians can be seen here in the period from June to October. In addition to the beauties of Tiger, almost all types of butterflies are inhabited here, which are common and familiar to the countries of the Mediterranean.

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In order to see the goal of your journey, you mean tiger butterflies, you need to go to a small hike to waterfalls. The first waterfall can be seen after fifteen minutes of walking from the coast in the depths of the valley, after about the same distance, another waterfall appears with a stunning landscape and, honestly, even forget about the butterflies when you see similar beauty. In addition to butterflies, people in ancient village called Faraly also live in this valley, and if we talk about modern, then Uzunyurt. In order to get to this village, you need to follow the path, which from the coast leads to the right side. Residents of the village, probably accustomed to frequent guests and perceive strangers hospitably and friendly. Local residents live mainly at the expense of horticulture on rocky terraces. This method of growing plants was inherited, from Byzantines and the Greeks, who previously lived in the local places.

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Village Kayaky . This Turkish village is located in the south-east of the country, which is eight kilometers from Fethiye. Up until 1923, Anatolian Greeks lived here. They call this village, another ghostly city and all because it looks more like a village - a museum that consists of a variety of ruins among which you can see untouched by the time of the structure and the church in the Greek style, located on a picturesque slope. The village was built in the eighteenth century at the place where the ancient city of Carmalesus was previously. An additional impetus to development, the village received after a terrible earthquake in 1856, which destroyed the city of Fethiye. At the end of the Greek-Turkish war, the village was almost completely abandoned. In 1957, another earthquake was happening in these places, which destroyed most of the buildings in this village. In 1900, the overall population of the village was equated to two thousand people. And they lived here mainly by Greek Christians. At the moment, the village completely empty and the people of these destroyed walls are seen only as part of sightseeing groups. Special popularity, this village, uses people's masters who sell their crafts to inquisitive tourists.

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The village though empty, but there is still a small sector, where they were fully restored at home and now they are actively populated. But still the village of Kayaki, it is primarily an open-air museum and a historical monument. The order of the semi thousand houses in the form of ruins are under the watchful protection of the Turkish government. This list replenishes two more Greek churches, which are the most popular objects among tourists. Perhaps this village will ever restore this village, but it seems to me that in this case, it will at least lose its attractiveness, but as a maximum, it can be simply not interesting for both tourists and history.

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