What can I buy in Anapa?


Visiting a new city or country, always want to bring back home something special, which will remind you of pleasant moments of travel. In any resort town there are shops, trading rows with souvenir products. Anapa is no exception. Almost before any access to the beach, you can find a rich assortment of everything that can offer a resort town. Souvenirs can conventionally divided into memorable and useful.


  • Magnets, whistles from clay
  • Soap with the types of Anapa
  • Shells and products of them
  • Mugs, beach towels with image of a map of a resort or its attractions.

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Useful little things

  • Juniper rollers or pillows. Beautiful juniper trees grow in the Sukko and Utrich districts, many of them are located on the territory of the reserve and are strictly protected by the state. Juniper - the tree of the family of cypress, bark, berries and branches of which have a variety of useful properties. Therapeutic use is very wide. Juniper sprigs have a bactericidal and soothing effect, so they are used as a filler for underpoint rollers and pillows. Pillows are of different sizes. To obtain the therapeutic effect of a small pad (15cm x 20cm). Put it around the headboard of the bed of your or child and a calm measured dream guaranteed. Juniper pillows are saved from insomnia, and their fragrant smell, saturated with essential oil kills bacteria. In autumn-winter period, this is an excellent rescue from respiratory diseases. Back in ancient times it was believed that the juniper drives the evil spirits, so it was also a charm for a family hearth.
  • Juniper combs, jewelry, hairpins, massagers for legs, stands are hot. Wood products (combs, hairpins) improve the condition of the hair, contribute to their strengthening and rapid growth. All products from juniper are qualitative and durable.
  • Honey and jam with walnuts. The contents of the jars with such a delicacy disappears rapidly - it is so tasty. The taste is original, and even this is the storehouse of all kinds of vitamins and trace elements.
  • Therapeutic volcanic clay. Packaging with clay can be purchased during an excursion to the volcano Tytar. If you are going with a guide-guide, you get a discount card on the purchase. Clay is useful as masks for face, hair, for the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis, as well as for warming compresses. One package is enough - the volume is big, enough for a long time.
  • Wine, Chacha and Balms. All alcoholic products are better to buy in branded shops from manufacturers and glass bottles. Balsams are present at the harvest of herbs, so a teaspoon of such a means added to coffee or tea will give cheerfulness and strengthen the immunity.
  • Herbs. Large selection of herbal medicinal fees grown in environmentally friendly areas. With such a purchase, you have to be careful, watch medical testimony and better consult with a doctor.
  • Seasonings, spices and fragrant saline mixtures. You can buy for a swim by forming a mixture of seasonings in accordance with your own wishes, or take ready-made sets in original packages (a mixture for salads, a mixture for borscht, etc.). Such a gift is useful to any hostess.

The greatest trading souvenir ranks are located in the Central Park near the trampoline town and the main access to the beach. Their assortment is huge, everyone will find something like that.

For buying clothes, shoes, technicians, decorations better go to Megamolle "Red Square" . The shopping center is large, beautiful, with many shops. In the case of a tightened shopping, on the territory of Red Square, you can eat in a cafe or restaurant.

If you are interested in fruits, vegetables, churchhel, local dairy products, fish (fresh, salted, smoked), then there are three large market in Anapa. it North, Central and Cossack . In popularity among tourists, the Cossack market leads, which is located near the fortress gate and theatrical square. North and central are at a distance of one bus stop from each other next to the bus station.

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There are many local sellers with their products in the markets, so you can safely taste and bargain. Since Anapa is a city at sea, then fish in markets in all kinds. It may not be local, so it is better to buy a fish-drum - this is a 100% guarantee of the catch not far from the Anapian coast. In addition to fruit and vegetable products, there are dietary rows on the main Anapian markets with products made of natural linen fabrics.

As elsewhere, financial capabilities determine the frequency and volume of purchases. The main thing is to do it with the mind, and then all brought from vacation, souvenirs and gifts will benefit, health, and will please many years.

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