Why is it worth going to Sinemorets?


Sinemorets is a very small resort Bulgarian village with beautiful beaches and practically complete silence. You just imagine that the overall population of this village is only about three hundred and fifty people and everything will become understandable to you. No, this is not the village of God, this is a normal and quite a decent resort with quite loyal and sane prices.

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More recently, there were only family hotels designed for ten - thirty families, and now in the village there are several resort complexes and the large hotel category "All-inclusive". Sinegorian until 1990 was practically closed for tourists, because he was part of the border zone, this fact may cause this place that the vicious civilization was practically not touched.

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Want to be in silence, to fully rest from the fuss of the metropolis, to improve children and just spend your vacation perfectly? Then Sinemorets waiting for you! Here you will not wake up music from bars and discos, you will not meet the crowd of youth in the evening walking on the beach.

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By the way, about the beaches. Even in the midst of the beach season, here you will always find a free place where you can have a widget in full silence, and if you look good, it is quite possible to find a wild portion of the beach, where you will find yourself alone with you and your thoughts. Pleasant rest and positive impressions!

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