What excursions worth going to Uzbekistan?


What do we know about Uzbekistan? Uzbek melon, Uzbek pigtails, pilaf, halva and tubeette ... few people will come to mind to visit this interesting and original sunny country. Meanwhile, modern Uzbekistan successfully combines civilization with ancient history, and man-made sights with natural beauty.

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The Republic of Uzbekistan is able to offer rest for every taste and wallet. It will be interesting to lovers of history, ecotourism, extreme, and even ... Shopaholic.

Historical tourism

Bukhara, Samarkand, Khorezm - Even for those distant from human history, these words are associated with ancient cities, architecture and eastern fairy tale.

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Uzbekistan is known for the whole world with its cultural heritage. Such names like Tamerlan, Alexander Macedonian, Avicenna, Omar Khayam and many others are closely related to the history of this country.

In some cities of Uzbekistan, ancient buildings that constitute whole quarters are surprisingly well preserved. All of them are located in the UNESCO cultural heritage list. These are historical centers Khiva, Bukhara, in the city of Shahrisabze and Samarkand . All these cities are based not that long ago, and a long time ago. They are peers of cities in ancient Greece, Rome and China, through them a great silk path passed. The more valuable is the information that they managed to convey to the present day.

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Hundreds of architectural monuments, cover which is not enough of the year, expect a tourist in Uzbekistan. The inspection of the oldest cities will need at least three days. Even it is not necessary to visit museums, although they are in Uzbekistan are unparalleled, but also just walking through the streets, you will periodically face the ancient East.

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Many travel agencies organize special historical tours, where professional guides will give you comprehensive information about a particular attraction.

Choosing how to get acquainted with the history of Uzbekistan - independently or as part of the tourist group - everyone does himself. But even a traveler who is accustomed to moving independently, turning with the guide and drawing information from it, will like the options that offer tour desks.

The choice of sightseeing programs is huge, but all of them have a "standard set", which includes mandatory one-day sightseeing tours of the largest and old cities and travel through the trails of the fry path.

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Visiting various cities of Uzbekistan, you will probably be amazed that despite the general similarity, each city is unique, original and unique.

Natural attractions

The admirers of ecotourism is where to turn around in Uzbekistan. Here, the mass of the most picturesque places, from the beauty of which can disrupt their heads. And most importantly, most of these places are quite wild and deserted.

Chimgan and Nuratin Mountains - True pride of Uzbekistan.

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In addition to tourist bases and ski resorts, there are natural reserves in these places with purest lakes, non-empty animals and birds and magnificent vegetation.

Water resources of the country are represented by two powerful and stormy rivers - Amudarya and Syrdarya . These are real water arteries, thanks to which fields are irrigated, fish are produced, loads are transported. In addition, HPP, built on Syrdarya, is the largest in Uzbekistan.

Nice famous Aral Sea It is worth being seen. It is a tragedy and for nature, and for many people who are left without work due to the death of the sea.

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Now there is a desert and visited by many tourists "Cemetery of ships", which is also a terrible and sad picture.

Trip to the desert Kyzylkum Perhaps on jeeps, and more interestingly, on camels. Kyzylkum is endless vegans with rare vegetation.

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Here you can meet Jeyranans, Varanov, Orlov and poisonous snakes. In the central part of the desert there is a famous city of Uchauduk. Interest also represents the Mountain Array of Bukantau, where you can see ancient rock paintings.

Extreme tourism

Thanks to a variety of landscapes, Uzbekistan is great for extreme and adventure tourism.

In the Ugam Chatkal State Natural Park is located Mount Patanazbashi.

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The height is small - a little more than 1000 meters and, most likely, experienced climbers will not even notice ascent, but for beginners, as well as lovers of magnificent nature, this trip will have to taste.

Trekking routes are very popular in Uzbekistan.

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A variety of programs have been developed for both individual hikes and as part of an organized group. Of course, all trails run along the picturesque places, so in addition to good equipment, you should take care of a sufficient amount of free memory in the camera - you are waiting for wonderful types: Alpine lakes, Mountains of Western Tian Shan, a unique natural monument of Plateau Pulatkhan

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If fate brings you to the city of Bukhara ... no wrong! Well, if the fate would bring you to the city of Bukhara and you would have visited the wonderful center "Jaran" . This is an amazing place where rare animal species are bred. But the erosion of the eco-center is the ability to "adopt" the baby of Jeyrana or the cub of the mountain ram.

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The adoption scheme is simple: you pay the annual content of the "child" (approximately $ 20), give it a name and get all the necessary paper, where it is written black on white that you are a guardian! Arriving home, you will know that somewhere far on the Uzbek land is grazing by the Jaran or Mountain Baran adopted.

Local rivers are simply sisha fish, but if you want something like that, I will be advised of the avid fishermen to go on special fishing tours for rainbow trout.

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Like any excursion in Uzbekistan, this trip will be remembered for a long time, because to get to the place of fishing will have to have a different transport, including horses.


Uzbekistan is famous for its silks, carpets, various craft crafts. In large cities there are huge shopping centers, where in addition to souvenirs you can buy clothes as well-known global brands and Uzbek designers. Small boutiques offer various exclusive handmade products. Well, about the eastern bazaars and you do not need to say - everyone knows that he comes there, you will not leave empty hands for sure.

Recently, special began to organize Shub tours to Uzbekistan.

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Here you can buy a luxurious doodle fur coat - the dream of every Soviet woman. Modern technologies allow the highest quality fur coats. Especially popular white doodle

Go to Uzbekistan is definitely worth it. This is a wonderful country with friendly people. The only obstacle is entry for Russians on a valid passport, but it is easily overcome. And the number of advantages do not count: low cost, Russian speech, a variety of excursions and attractions, a stunning kitchen and much more. Be sure that visiting this original country will stay in your memory for a long time.

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