Some unknown facts about Odessa


Odessa - This is a unique resort with its rather unusual and unique atmosphere. I resting there, I was satisfied with some extraordinarily positive and positive energy, which all the corners of the city are impregnated.

It is incredibly boring, that's why I decided to change my usual route, I met a local Odessa and asked me a tour of the eyes of a resident of this city.

First, on the famous Duke - a monument, you need to look with a side hatch.

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Also, Duke has a bag (on the side of the monument) and if you lose it, the local believes believe that the financial situation is improved.

Secondly, be sure to look at the smallest area in the world and, of course, take a picture on the famous stool.

Thirdly, the philosophy of architecture also needs to know. Potemkin's staircase has a huge philosophical meaning, which guides will tell. The fact is that it seems to be long on top - exactly as life in youth, when you do not appreciate the time, and it seems that all events are still ahead. And when go down, then from the top of the past years it can be seen that the life is short, and it is necessary to live with a feeling of trembling, hurry.

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Another local I told me about the idea of ​​the structure of the streets in Odessa. Houses and streets are located so that the wind blow out dust from them. This guide did not tell us either.

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