What you need to know about Cape Town? Subtleties of tourism


Cape Town. - This is a distant exotic city at the very end of Africa. This is the real edge of the world, further - only Antarctica. That is why this tourist resort attracted me.

What you need to know about Cape Town? Subtleties of tourism 10852_1

In general, on the streets of the city somehow restlessly, it seems to be nothing happening, but some kind of feeling. Everyone is looking at you, turn around. And the fault of everything is what Cape Town is a conflict city between two camps: black and white. Quarters where white live - look like European, there are many restaurants, well-groomed at home. Black Quarters are slums, poverty and murder. We drove several such districts, these places are really terrible. Walking in such quarters at least scary. Cape Town is an uncomfortable and unsafe megalopolis.

I did not feel direct hostility on myself, but tourists who were resting there, fell to the rod of theft. White tourists did not have time to remove money in an ATM, like a black boy grabbed them out of the hands of Cash and disappeared. We have not seen the incident. Caught only the proceedings and police. Still, try to follow your personal things in Cape Town, because any appearance of the White in this city is a provocation for the local unemployed who earn their lives.

Accommodation In Cape Town is not the worst, but not excellent. We removed the number for $ 700 in the best hotel called "Maut Nelson" . In short, it does not pull 5 stars, it was already noticeable at the entrance. The hall is staminated with dust red tracks, inside the number is all some kind of unblocked, incomplete, incomprehensible, no direction in the interior here and speech can not be. The windows are not overlooking the ocean, as we promised, but on the fountain, followed by a thick forest belt, followed by the ocean. This hotel does not justify the prices, it certainly.

Food I like it. Due to the features of the location of Cape Town: between the two oceans, everyone is prepared here from seafood. I first tried lobster, antelope steaks. There are crab memers or soup from mussels - ordinary food.

I would like to tell About souvenirs And protect tourists who are going to this resort. Do not buy pagan African wood masks.

What you need to know about Cape Town? Subtleties of tourism 10852_2

The fact is that it is a souvenir for us, and for Africans is a real magical object with an incredible force. Some masks are kind of sealing container with diseases. If someone gets sick in the African tribe, the local shaman cuts the mask from the tree and the spells relieve the disease in it. Next, these masks sell in the markets of white tourists and the disease goes to the new owner. I did not buy a mask, and I do not advise everyone. There are cases that after buying such a mask, the whole life turned over the bottom.

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