How to get to Bled?


Lake Bled is rightly considered to be a tourist hit of Slovenia. Photographs of the lake itself, the island with the church in the middle of the lake stroit and the Bled Castle are decorated with any tourist guide in the country.

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You can get to Bled through the airport of the capital of the country of Ljubljana, where all international flights arrive. So, Aeroflot and Adria Airways fly from Russia to the Slovenian capital, there are a large number of flights with docks in Europe or Istanbul. Located at 35 kilometers from the Lake Airport. From the airport to the Bled directly you can get on a taxi or a rented car. The cost of a taxi is approximately 40 euros, rent a car at the airport on special racks. Time on the way from Ljubljana to the lake is approximately half an hour.


The best option to get to the bald from Ljubljana is to take the bus. There are at least twenty bus routes per day in this direction. Time in the way is a little more than an hour. The cost of one-way ticket is 6.5 euros.

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By train

There is in the flare and railway station, however, it is away from the lake than the bus station. More precisely, the two-Lesce-Bled International Station and the station called Bled Jezero. The first station is five kilometers from the lake, the second - one and a half. From the first station you can take by bus (the fare of two euros), or by taxi (the cost of the trip is 8 euros), from the second to reach on foot or reach again by bus or taxi. There are not many trains here, and buses, and from most places will have to get with numerous transfers.

By car

Lake Bled is located away from the automotive highway A2-Karavanke-Ljubljana-Obezije, 4 kilometers from the congress from the main road.

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