Is it worth going to San Francisco?


San Francisco is located on the northern part of the San Francisco Peninsula, and virtually the whole of its history the city was an important object of the region and the bay. This is the fourth city of California, and the twelfth city in the country.

In the Strait, the Golden Gate of the Spaniards substantiated the Fort here in 1776, and founded the mission here, which was devoted to the Holy Francis. The town near the Fort was called Yerba-Buen. At the time of the gold fever, in 1848, the city began to develop rapidly and was renamed to the present San Francisco. In addition, a favorable geographical position was also promoted, thanks to which the city became an important marine port. At the time when the corporation was massively developed in the country, the city acquired the status of an important economic center, and the cultural side began to develop here.

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The old town today would become an amazing place of tourist visits, but the story developed otherwise. After a destructive earthquake, which dates back to 1906, more than 80% of the city were destroyed. The city was flooded a huge wave, and the fires broke up lightning around the entire city. Refugee camps are located in the park Golden Gate, as well as the area of ​​Beach Oven and other unaccounted parts of the city. In those days, more than three thousand people were killed here.

After such sad events, almost the whole part of the city was rebuilt into a very rapid time. The founder of the rearrangement plans was Daniel Bernham, who planned the construction of Avenue and Ottoman-style boulevards with a large transport network passing through the entire city. Although the plan did not accept, and the city simply recreated in the original style. But, many elements of the plan still embodied in life, for example, the metro station under the market Street, a monument to Telegraph Hill, a neoclassical civil complex, as well as wide streets and route of the main transport artery of San Francisco.

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Located on the West Coast of the United States, San Francisco includes several more islands, including the famous Alcatras Prison Island, Cherry Island, Yerba Buen. As well as several uninhabited islands Farlon, which are located 40 kilometers from the city. The city is also famous for its hills, which are about 42rs throughout the city territory. The most popular among tourists are the Hills of Twin Pixes, from which the height of which offers an excellent view of San Francisco.

The city climate has many similarities with a Mediterranean climate, with soft and warm winter and dry warm summer. But due to the cold flows of the Pacific Ocean, it is often quite cool here. In addition, the city from three sides surrounds water, so if you are planning to visit San Francisco in the summer months, it is necessary to capture a couple of warm COFT with you. Warm things should also be taken with them on the walk along the coast, because in hot weather it can have a rather cold wind with a rather cold wind, and just just in case. Outdoor ocean water in combination with high air temperature of the mainland can form a fog that envelops most of the city in summer. Sometimes, fog hovers around the city throughout the whole day, so it is not surprised.

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As for the city's infrastructure, San Francisco has chosen the European road location style instead of the habitual motorway for the United States. More than 35% of the city's inhabitants each day use public transport, which is represented by buses, trolley buses, as well as land and underground high-speed trams called Muni Metro. In addition, the suburban report system is also developed here, a system that connects San Francisco and the Eastern Coast.

As for the advantages of San Francisco to the rest of the US cities, it is safe to say that this is one of the best cities offering a large amount of entertainment. The unique location of the city on the coast of the Pacific Ocean offers tourists to participate in noisy discos from the coast, and the variety of night clubs will emphasize this feature. This is a great place to stay with children, because on the territory of San Francisco is the amazing world of Walt Disney, as well as the castle with all the beloved, now the legendary, Harry Potter, as well as many other amazing places like a zoo and aquarium.

In addition, the city is a unique landscaped place because there are about two hundred parks in the city, not counting forest arrays. For example, there is an old Hill Park, which was founded back in 1867, and the most popular park among tourists - a golden gate, a length from the city center to the very coast of the Pacific Ocean.

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A separate mention deserves a Japanese tea garden, as well as a conservatory of flowers, not to mention the amazing botanical garden Strebing-Arboterium.

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The city always passes a large number of amazing street festivals, parades and various parties. In September, the Bazaar Falls Street is held here, in February - a parade of the Chinese New Year, in October - the Fleet Week, as well as Lovefest (Rave Festival) and many others. In the city there are also mass sports competitions and skills. Many urban quarters have their own unique festivals, such as the festival of the Nose-Beach or the artistic festival of Union Street.

As for security in San Francisco, the lonely tourists here should be followed by personal valuable things, because in the city there are many small vorays, and it is also not worth walking late alone. It is better to reinforce it again.

For tourists who prefer to save, I advise you to accommodate in hostels and hotels like bed and breakfast, which offer the lowest price level. And, despite the fact that the city is quite expensive, here you can find institutions and hotels in a budget type. In addition, simple pleasures are very cheap here, or are free. For example, the opening of galleries, park walks or numerous street festivals that can be a good replacement for club parties. If you have information, here you can relax very inexpensively.

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