For health - to the resort of St. Constantine and Elena!


Classic holiday by the sea is not always boring and monotonous. A wonderful trip to the well-known resort of St. Constantine and Elena is a bright confirmation of this. Bulgaria continues to open me its luxury parks, wonderful beach strips and healing mineral springs. A calm measured rest is that I need at least one week in six months, and this resort satisfied all my uncomplicated desire at that time. And let most of the hotels here are not at the highest level - a special microclimate and the air saturated with negative ions makes it possible to feel overhanded.

For health - to the resort of St. Constantine and Elena! 10793_1

Noticed that some local use a long-standing name of the resort - "Friendship". Here, people are resting all year round - not surprisingly, after all, in the resort of St. Bonstantine and Elena, one of the hot mineral water pools is open for anyone at any time of the year. After you can continue to rest in the Sirius restaurant, which has the Grand Hotel "Varna".

For health - to the resort of St. Constantine and Elena! 10793_2

The attractive resort of the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria St. Konstantin and Elena is, perhaps, a solid park with evergreen cypresses and ancient squeaks, cozy quiet bays, sensual forest coolness and fragrance of trees.

For health - to the resort of St. Constantine and Elena! 10793_3

In addition to the healing benefits of nature, there are entertainment facilities, cafes, restaurants, souvenir and clothing stores. Having fun with pleasure having fun on water attractions - there is an opportunity to ride water skiing, the well-known "banana" and on the boards on the waves.

For health - to the resort of St. Constantine and Elena! 10793_4

Attractions on the territory of the complex are not so much. However, there is an interesting chapel of "St. Konstantin and Elena" (in the past - part of the monastery, erected in honor of the emperor of Constantine and the frequent guest - Elena Empress). In the past, the coast was inhabited by the Greeks, and the surrounding area was the colony of the Byzantine Empire and had the name Odessos.

For health - to the resort of St. Constantine and Elena! 10793_5

To improve and get a healing breath of air, which will give strength for further work in the conditions of a dusty city, come to the resort of St. Constantine and Elena - it is only worth drivening 8 km from Varna. Here you can individually pick up the program of treatment with mud, you can go through a program of weight loss, phytitutication and effective treatment with bee products. The week of rest on a glorious resort will long remove stress and will save from the migraine - I checked me!

For health - to the resort of St. Constantine and Elena! 10793_6

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