Tips for those who are going to Uzbekistan


In 1991, the once powerful country has ceased to exist - the USSR. On August 31, 1991, the Uzbek SSR gained independence, becoming an independent state - the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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Now Uzbekistan is among the fastest growing economies of the world. The number of tourists who want to visit this country with a richest history, wonderful natural landscapes and a magnificent kitchen, is growing from year to year. But in order not to get to him, be ready for the country's peculiarities, you need to know some nuances that will help spend a vacation in Uzbekistan without problems and excitement.


The Russians have the right to enter the territory of Uzbekistan only on a valid foreign passport. And the passport must be valid for the entire stay in the country.

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The same requirement concerns citizens of Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Citizens of other countries are obliged to issue a visa in the embassies of Uzbekistan.


To fill out the customs declaration during entry, it is necessary to take very carefully. In addition to the amount of imported currency, it is necessary to list all the jewels, photos, audio and video techniques, mobile phones and be sure to make a note that all the listed things used.

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The declaration is filled in 2 copies, on both copies, a representative of Uzbek customs must put the print and give one instance to you. Take care of this piece of paper as an eye zenitsa, otherwise there may be problems when leaving the country.

check in

Most often after crossing the border, the tourist first goes to the hotel. Keep in mind that in Uzbekistan there is such a concept as "registration". This means that within 3 days a tourist is obliged to register in the local passport office.

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Settlement in the hotel, can solve this problem, as the hotel staff will automatically register you and give you a certificate that you will come in handy when you have an interest from local law enforcement careers. But here there are "pitfalls" - not all hotels have the right to place foreigners and issue these references, and the tourist for ignorance will not be able to register himself and this is a big loophole for extieting money. So necessarily in every hotel, in each city of Uzbekistan, require registration, collect references and keep them up to departure from the country. If you decide to stop with relatives or on a removable apartment, in this case, you can not avoid independent traps in the passport table.


Many tourists who visited Uzbekistan advise to go with US dollars. Exchange on the local currency (Uzbek sum) in the case of American money is more profitable than with Russian.

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But if you arrive with rubles, no problems will experience. The ruble can be changed everywhere. Keep in mind that the law is forbidden to pay foreign currency, so upon arrival, it is necessary to take care of the exchange of money. It is better to change in the bazaar or in exchange offices, as in banks always the course is significantly lower.


Be prepared for what you will overpay everywhere just because you are a foreigner. In the markets, in small bears, in a cafe and even in museums, you will pay more than local residents. This is considered absolutely normal and is not a deception. The average check in teahouse per person costs 5-7 dollars; And in the restaurant 15-20.

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In many large restaurants, tips are included in the account - approximately 5-10%. In small cafes or teahouse, tip can be left if you are satisfied with service and food, but, in principle, they are not waiting for them. The entrance to most museums is paid, for the ability to photograph and shoot video also need to pay.


Pilaf, sams, shuffle, manta, oriental sweets - saliva flow from all these names. Uzbek cuisine is very tasty and calorie. Many dishes that previously tried in Russia's restaurants will open on their homeland on the other hand.

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People with the problems of the stomach must be taken care: National Uzbek cuisine is fatten enough and generously seasoned with spices. Well, sweets are generally a separate topic: Halva and Chuck-Chuck are familiar to everyone, but such names as "Novat" - melted sugar; Bekhi-Dulma - Quince stuffed with nuts and many others will become real discoveries for sweet tooths. Intestinal poisoning happens infrequently, but they are. In the hot climate, bacteria quickly multiply. So try to buy fresh foods, be sure to wash all the vegetables and fruits before use. Local water, even in bottles has an unusual taste - the result of mineralization. In this regard, it may take time to ensure that your stomach is used to local food and water, try not to overload it, especially in the first days.


Craft shops are found at every step. Uzbekistan is famous for its folk crafts. Here you can buy named carpets, flakes from silk and leather, various crafts from ceramics and wood.

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In the eastern bazaars of what is not to find including antiques. By law, all cultural values ​​from 50 years and older is forbidden to export. Therefore, be careful when buying different vintage things, no matter how you like them. If the desire is very large, then it is necessary to conduct an examination, which will show whether a certain subject of cultural value is and is allowed to export from the country.


Despite the overwhelming number of the population of Uzbekistan confesses Islam, on the streets you can meet local girls in very short skirts, shorts and open T-shirts. Uzbeks are a fairly civilized nation, so they do not prevent some requirements for clothing.

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We go to what you are comfortable, the most important thing is to protect the body and head from the sunlight. Well, if you are going to attend religious places, of course it is worth taking care of the appropriate appearance in advance.


If you were invited to the house be sure to go out. Go to the shoes means to insult the owner, but if the owner himself, going ahead of you, does not shoot shoes, this ban does not work.

It is strictly forbidden to photograph at the airport, metro, railway stations and in some religious value objects.

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If this prohibition is violated, in addition to the fine, will make it clear the memory card, and you agree, lose the precious photos from the journey very disappointment.

Tourism in Uzbekistan develops from year to year. This country is visited due to its richest history, excellent attractions and wonderful nature. Uzbeks are a friendly and hospitable people for whom "Guest is holy." But, as in most countries of the world, taxi drivers and merchants try to earn at you as much as possible. Deliver to this calmly and let nothing overshadow your vacation!

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