The most interesting places in San Francisco.


The strategically important city in the United States, the center of the country, located between London and Tokyo, Seattle and San Diego, the basis of the economy in the tourist sphere, an excellent resort with a rich history. How else is still needed to characterize the beautiful city of San Francisco to attract tourists here. Although the city does not need advertising at all, because his sights speak for themselves.

California Academy of Sciences. The Academy is not more like a scientific center, but on the huge sizes of the museum complex, in which you can see the skeletons of dinosaurs, all sorts of exhibitions, as well as other natural exhibits that are subjects of archaeological excavations.

The Academy was founded in 1853, and she acquired such popularity that already in 1874th, the number of visitors amounted to 80 thousand people per year. For all the years of existence, the number of copies constantly increased, although many of them were constantly suffering from earthquakes and crossings of the Academy. But after 1989, the government decided to build a new building to accommodate the Academy, and for 10 years, Renzo drunk - the famous architect, built a beautiful building on the territory of the city park Golden Gate.

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The roof of the building, makes the Academy part of the natural territory of the park, because the roof consists of more than a million plants, 17 centimeters thick. Moreover, in the building about sixty thousand windows, thanks to which visitors to the Academy can admire the blue sky, the sun, as well as the surrounding beauty of the park.

The cost of visiting the Academy is about 30 dollars, and for children - $ 20. Address: 55 Music Concourse DRIVE.

Zoo San Francisco. Herbert Flashheker founded the zoo in the distant 1929, and gave him his name. Initially, the first pets of the zoo were only two zebras, several macaques, buffaloes and spiders. Later, the local newspaper gave an announcement of the intention to acquire an elephant, and asked for someone who could. Of course, the inhabitants responded to this request, and the main depositors were kids. Thus, in 1955, the Asian elephant was brought here.

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The zoo collection was gradually growing, in 197 a terrarium appeared here in which insects lived here. Visitors still can see Sorry-nodes, termites, Madagascar cockroaches, as well as all sorts of ants and bees. To date, the number of inhabitants of the zoo has about 260 species, and the zoo area is more than forty hectares.

The cost of visiting is only $ 15, and for children - 10 dollars. Zoo Address: 1 Zoo Road, San Francisco.

Modern Art Museum Located at 151 Third Street, San Francisco. Tourists can get here using public transport, such as L-Owl, N-OWL bus. To sit on him mono at the Stop MARKET ST & 2ND St. The cost of the entrance ticket is $ 18.

What noticeable in this museum? Well, in addition to amazing collections, it is a uniquely built museum building that Mario Botto erected in 1995.

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It is in him that the unique collection of painting of the 19-21 centuries is stored. Here visitors can familiarize themselves with the works of such artists: Marsel Dushan, Teo Wang Duisburg, Martin Kippenberger, as well as other famous sculptors and designers. Pearl collection Here is the picture of the trader in flowers, the artist of Diego River, 1935. Guests can see and paintings by many Mexican artists, like Tamayo, Calo and Eero Sainin.

It also presents the exposition from Matisse to Dibenkra, consisting of 250 paintings.

Forest Muir. Just twenty kilometers from the city there is a unique national reserve called the Forest Muir, in which old and very rare trees are still growing, such as seques, and red California trees.

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Long ago, these types of trees occupied the area more voluminous square kilometers, but by the 20th century, the mass deforestation was destroying for this species. It is here, today, tourists are provided with a unique opportunity to enjoy primordial forest beauty and greens. In the forest there is an amazing height of sequoia, about 80 meters. Moreover, many trees in the territory already 600-800 years, and see the ancient of them about 1200 years.

Here do not remove the trees that fell, because they over time envelops green moss, and they become part of the forest. Many tourists love to explore the forest, because here you can find very large hollows, the size of a person, or small forest inhabitants.

Yes, and simple walks may well be part of the rest in nature.

The entry cost is $ 7.

Palace of Fine Arts - This is a monument of architecture on the territory of San Francisco. It is located at 3301 Lyon Street, San Francisco.

In 1906, the city held an exhibition of California economy, which took place in numerous pavilions. After the end of the exhibition, all pavilions disassembled, except for one who really liked visitors. It was made of plywood and gypsum.

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And in 1965 it was completely built from stone, and a pond was made before the palace. Today, it was here that the Museum of Exploratorium is located, as well as a small concert hall.

This is a very beautiful place, against the background of which young couples are surely photographed.

Stanford University. The university is located between San Francisco and San Jose, in the heart of Silicon Valley. This is a leading educational and research university worldwide. Opening its doors for applicants in 1891, the university constantly improved its training system by combining research with education.

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Today, there are various research centers here, including the National Bureau of Economic Development, access to which are not only professors, but all students.

Every year, Stanford takes more than eight thousand graduate students and about thousands of students from around the world. Learn here is very prestigious for everyone. After all, celebrity university brought such graduates who began to head companies like Google, Yahoo!, Cisco Systems, Sun Microsystems.

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