What are the interesting places worth a visit to Santa Susanne?


Sant-Sussana - a city located 60 kilometers from Barcelona is famous not only for beautiful parks and beaches. In addition, it is comfortable to relax and children and adults in terms of beach holidays, you can still find out a lot and see a lot. After all, this city with an ancient history and at the moment when tired of sunbathing and swimming, you can think about sightseeing, which is not enough there.

What are the interesting places worth a visit to Santa Susanne? 10760_1

First of all, its location gave thoughts at an analogy with the eternal city. After all, like Rome, Santa Sussan is located on seven hills. But unlike the capital of Italy, this town is surrounded by a pine forest.

What are the interesting places worth a visit to Santa Susanne? 10760_2

The first mentions about Santa Sussan dated the 12th century. At that time it was a quiet, peaceful town in which ordinary peasants lived. They were engaged in growing grain crops and grapes. In the Middle Ages, this small settlement decided to increase in size. And in the 16th century, its inhabitants even built a rather impressive watchtower, whose goal was to protect the town from the sea. The truth does not specify who exactly entered Santa Sussan and whether these encroachments were successful.

In the same period, people apparently began to join religion. And in connection with this, the chapel began to build a chapel in the town and even built a large Catholic monastery. In addition, the prosperous inhabitants appeared here and they began to build beautiful houses, and some even castles. Finally, people began to appreciate the beauty donated by nature.

You can select several towers of the town that were built in different periods. Each of them is interesting and worth it to visit.

Kan Ratez

In antiquity, this tower was called the name. It is built in the shape of a cylinder and she has a vaulted roof.

What are the interesting places worth a visit to Santa Susanne? 10760_3

She is attached to the house and looks like his original corner. All this complex was still equipped with water bodies. But instead of them now the pool. This tower has no owners and it belongs to all residents. This place is considered symbolic in the city and in this tower and in the house, various festivals and events are constantly being held for it. And, above all, this festival of Shakespeare and the Magic Fair.

Kan Bonet de Aval

This tower was built about the 15th century. It's hard to say exactly how she looked at that time. Because in 1805, in 1805, ingenious masters restored her, or rather covered with plaster and paint. And I must say that thanks to their efforts, the tower has grown up very much and now everyone thinks that it is the 19th century buildings, although in fact four centuries older.

Mas galler

This tower of the cylindrical shape and with the roof. She belongs to the Pi family, the ancestors of which bought this tower in 1933 at the Galter family. And they, in turn, owned it for quite a long time, starting from 1440 and the name of the tower occurred from their last name. The reason for which they decided to part with such a majestic family relics story silent. But since it is a private ownership, then inspect Mass Galter from the inside it is unlikely to succeed. You can only admire it from the street.

Plase de la Torre

This tower differs from its neighbors primarily by its location. She is closer to all towers to the sea. In addition, even though they are the same cylindrical form, but much greater diameter. To her, the government of the city found work and the truth, why stand so many centuries without bringing any benefit. And therefore, within the tower, there are currently ticket provisions of the railway station. And the platforms were built at the base of the tower. And you can personally see the combination of antiquity and modernity. But it can be visited not only to buy a train ticket, but you can come and see just like that.


This tower is noteworthy in that it has a square shape and is in a very unsightly form. For some reason, it has not yet been renovated. Apparently, she guessed something.

But besides the towers, there are also chapels in Santa Sussan, which will be interesting to inspect.

Ancient Chapel Santa Susanna

It is her the city owes its name. This is one of the main attractions of the city. It was built in honor of the completion of the war. The locals were so glad that it was built by themselves, and completely disinterestedly. In place for the altar is very beautiful painting. The chapel was restored by its owners.

Chapel of St. Hrist

This is also a very famous chapel. It is built at the crossroads of roads and many go there to pray. There you can see the candles, this place is considered very devout and naughty.

Chapel of St. Aisida

During the construction of the Maresme motorway, the chapel prevented his presence and decided to move a little from the previous place. Apparently, her builders did not look into the future, but they would not interfere with road builders. Now its location is not the area of ​​the lilot. I honestly, I don't know who Icider is and especially why he is holy, but in this chapel every year on May 15 fraternal dinner is organized. I wonder, and the sister is allowed on him?

For tourists, tired and from the beach and from historical attractions, hospitable Santa Sussan invites you to visit your parks.

Park at Fountain Boter

This is a favorite place of both tourists and locals. This is a very beautiful park, perfect for walking. There love to walk local and visiting moms with children. Separately there is even a zone for picnics.

There is also a well with transparent, clean water, which gives romance to rest in this park.

Park in Colomoch

This park is generally ideal for recreation with children, including the smallest. There are children's attractions and swing. In addition, the park has a large green area, it is very nice to take a walk.

Old Mill Molí d'EN Jordà

The date of construction of this mill is unknown, but according to some data to her at least three centuries. She took water for their goals from the Santa Sussan River. But before this day, it, unfortunately, is not fully preserved.

In general, I must say that Santa Sussana is an amazing place.After all, it has a very small area, and a lot of things can be seen. And if desires appear, you can visit Barcelona, ​​because it's 40 minutes to go to it, and then again return to the amazing town of Santa Sussan. After all, it is not only pleasant to rest in it, but also interesting.

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