Umindative Bangkok


It is said that many people have cultural shock from visiting Thailand. Probably this is about me. As with most travelers, we had a combined tour, and in Bangkok we had only 2 days. The city struck and surprised by many people and transport on the street. All mixed - motorcycles, bikes, buses of different colors, Tuk-Tuki and cars. It seems to me that there are no quiet streets in Bangkok.

Amazes an incredible mixing of modern and history, wealth and poverty. There are many high-rise buildings in the city, and on the next street you can see some kind of one-story encouraged shack. Local residents are mostly dressed not throwing, I would even say it is poor. And also surprised many snack bars right on the street. Food is mostly very sharp, but Thais got used to this. They can eat right on the go. In the morning and evening it seems that the whole city is chewing.

But all these oddities can be survived, if you know, why came to Bangkok. Temples, pagodas, statues - they can be seen at every step. For a more detailed excursion, we chose a big royal palace. Indeed, this is a huge complex of a complex consisting of several buildings. It is said that it contains about 100 pagodas. Very beautiful and majestic building, it's good that the royal family comes here only a year in a year, and the rest of the time tourists can no problem inspect the complex. To just get around it, you will need more than an hour. We spent half a day in the palace. Since the palace came early in the morning, they could still explore it without a large crowd of tourists.

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We spent the second half of the day in the Temple of Wat Benthamabophit. It can be said that this is a modern structure - it was built only about 100 years ago. European and Asian traditions were connected here, so this temple resembles the Victorian Palace more. In the evening, the temple looks even more beautiful due to the backlight.

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We spent the second day, just lining around the city. In the markets you can buy very cheaply any exotic fruits and spices, and in any shopping center you can pick up inexpensive clothes. You can purchase both a high-quality thing and a frank one-day, paint with which will come down at the first washing.

There are still many attractions in Bangkok, which I want to visit, so I will definitely come to this city again.

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