Useful information for those who are going to Kuala Lumpur


I would like to lay a couple of words about Street Crime in Kuala Lumpur

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Good news for tourists who are departed in Kuala Lumpur. In general, crime in the city today is not very much, such cases are extremely unlikely, and it is almost impossible to become a victim of a serious crime, such as murder or rape, is almost impossible. Bad news is that small thefts, in particular, "snatching things from hand" - a much more common phenomenon.

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The most frequent storage facilities are women's handbags or wallets that burst the riders on the motorcycles. Cameras and expensive phones are also often becoming thefts. Even if "everything happened quickly," all this is very frightening and unpleasant. Most of the expatons who live in the capital say that at least once they have crawled bags. At some point, such thefts have become almost an epidemic. By the way, the fact that tourists are warned about purse thirsty, and the fact that current tourists wear bags on short straps, sometimes make the thieves use cold weapons - but it is rare.

The fields of the city, popular with tourists, including residential and entertainment centers, such as Bukit Bintang, KLCC, Chinatown and Brickfields, - a frequent target of thorough-catching officers. To be more accurate, the "golden triangle" covering KLCC, Jalan P. Ramlee, Jalan Sultan Ismail and Bukit Bintang.

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In order not to become a victim of the street criminal (or at least reduce the likelihood of hooliganism), some general precautions should be taken:

- If it is generally possible, keep any bags or other valuable things away from the edge of the sidewalks, or at least pass them to someone who goes on from the edge of the sidewalk (not unfamiliar, of course, though - your business);

- Keep wallets and other valuable things not in sight;

- Be especially vigilant at night;

- Keep the bags in your hand, let it do not hang on the shoulder;

- Carry with me less valuable things as possible, and a wallet phone - in pockets (so that if suddenly grows a bag, let there be a comb and booklet there).

- If the motorcyclist thief grabbed you for a bag, it's easier to let go of it (no matter how you wanted), otherwise you risk being trapped along the road - it is unparalleled and inefficient (as the poor victims have already proven).

You should inform any crime into the tourist police that have police booths throughout the central Kuala Lumpur. Or contact the Malaysian Information and Travel Center - they are unlikely to help you find a bag, but can give you a council about how to deal with lost passports and credit cards. Fortunately, they speak English very well.

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Of course, I discussed a little gloomy picture. It is worth remembering that Kl is one of the safest cities in Asia. And if you believe state statistics, the street crime has decreased much in recent years. It's hard to believe, because many officers prefer to sit in their "booths" - this slightly unlocks hands. Most often you can see the police when they with their sirens accompany politicians and VIP persons. My advice of anyone who wants to visit KL is not worth it at risk and there are much best, and safer, cities to visit in the region.

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It is easy to be cynical in matters of the struggle of the Royal Malaysian police with crime, especially, given their reputation based on corruption and tough tactics on rallies. When it comes to contact with tourists, they are almost always invariably polite and friendly. One of the main exceptions to this rule will be the case if you are rude or aggressively with them; Stay polite and calm strongly recommended if you do not really want to spend the night at the police station.

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Now another moment. Applies more health. A, if more precisely, Smog . In 1997, he could embraced about 3,000 square kilometers of air over Southeast Asia. Malaysia suffered especially strongly, and the most powerful air pollution of all time happened above Sarawak. If you were there at that moment, then the harm from that air would compare with smoking several packs of cigarettes per day.

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Eight years later, he was able to reach the terrain again, this time focusing mainly over the Malaysian Peninsula. Representatives of health authorities warned Kuala Lumpur citizens so that those remained in the room and sat with closed doors and windows. Today, heaven is not very clean. But the testimony of the index of the atmosphere is not so bad, as in 2005 or 1997, mainly because Indonesia (where does this terrible smoke come from) to pay more attention to its forest fires. But until then, air purity remains for concern. Whenever heaven is tightened over Malaysia, everyone shifts all the blame on Indonesia.Partially it is correct. But the city's topography also plays his role -cala-Lumpur "sits" in the valley surrounded by hills, it turns out a dirty air trap. Most of this pollution is due to exhaust gases, which the Government of Malaysia almost does not pay attention. The roads of the capital endure an increasing number of vehicles annually. Such toxic belching. So far nothing is done to reduce the use of cars, air pollution will grow.

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What is me for? To the one who is baked about their health and condition. Not everything is so bad. The current possible stems do not constitute a serious danger, at least not for those who have breathing problems. The latest readings of air purity range on the "Moderately" mark. Many areas of the valley of the clan, although, more dirty, air quality is officially considered "unhealthy". In general, keep in mind that strong Indonesian smudges are not always twisted over the city, but only at certain periods. Just choose the right time to travel, when the mask on the streets are definitely not worth walking - and then everything will be fine with you, and for the week health will not shake (well, it is in any case).

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