The most interesting places in Polotsk.


The Belarusian city of Polotsk, is located in the Vitebsk region and is the most ancient city in these parts, as well as one of the oldest cities in the territory of the Old Russian state. It is noteworthy that in the spring of 2008, the experts of the RUE "Bearericosmogeezia" found that the Geographical Center of Europe was precisely Polotsk. So this, I will not argue, but everyone who leaves the city guests can bring with them from a trip, a memorable certificate is indicative that he visited the very center of Europe. By the way, in the same 2008, thirty-first of March, a memorable sign was established in honor of the scientific discovery, it clearly indicates that the discovery is official and real, and the name of this sign was pretty simple and without perseverance - "Geographical Center of Europe". But not only because of this it is worth going to Polotsk. Visit it stands on a variety of reasons, and the most important of them, this is of course familiarity with history. How best to know the story and memorize historical facts together with dates? Of course, attending sights and monuments. Here about these interests, I will try to tell you, right not about everyone, but about the most interesting as in my opinion.

Monument of letter . Not every city, yes that there is a city, not every country boasts the presence of a monument that was dedicated to the letter. But Polotsk can. The monument is dedicated to the twenty-second letter of the Belarusian alphabet "ў". This letter appeared in the Belarusian alphabet in 1890 and very quickly saved his neighbors and neighbors. The opening of the monument passed with the honors and was dedicated, which is very predictable, to the "Day of Belarusian writing." Creator and the creator of this language symbol, the famous artist Igor Kuzhnov. According to the Creator, this vowel sound, gives the Belarusian language, a special melody.

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Borisov Stone . It is not difficult to find it, because it is on the shore of the Western Dvina, not far from the Sophia Cathedral. It is believed that this boulder, one of those stones that have been preserved in Europe after convergence in these places of the glacier. According to some data, such stones in antiquity were needed to celebrate routes on them, on which trading paths were held, but according to other data, they were used to conduct sacred rituals. What does boulder look like? Stone like a stone, but I will try to describe it more precisely. This is the most real field split with a red tint, the circumference is not a flat eight meter, on which there is a carved inscription, which enters into the gift of divine help. According to scientists, the inscription was carved at the time and by decree of Prince Boris Veslavovich. You probably guessed why the boulder is Master - Borisov Stone. The stone itself, like its location, is popular not only among tourists, but also among local citizens, and all because there is some belief. Want to know what? There are two ritual aimed at fulfilling the cherished desire. So the first ritual is that it is necessary to touch the boulder and at the same time to make his desire and already soon it will be fulfilled. The second ritual is very similar to the first, but in order for your desire to be, you will need to get around the boulder several times and all this time think about your concealed desire.

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Sophia Cathedral . This shrine is the cradle of Christianity on these lands. The date of its construction simply shakes, as the construction of the temple dates back to 1044-1066. You just imagine that this temple has almost a thousand years! According to the versions of the scientists, initially the cathedral had a cubic shape and seven domes were crowned. Such an assumption was done not in vain, because on the facade in places where there was no plaster, laying masonry with specific rows. So these are fragments that are greatly preserved to our time from the eleventh century, you can see now and now with a naked eye. Other parts of the ancient cathedral in order to preserve for our descendants, put in the museum, which is devoted to the architecture and history of the cathedral. For all its existence, the temple was able to survive much, take at least the frontier of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, when the cathedral was completely rebuilt into an amazing building called the church of the defense type. These are all flowers, compared to the fact that at the beginning of the eighteenth century, the Cathedral was converted to a powder warehouse, which had a misfortune to explode. In the investigation of the explosion, the building was almost completely destroyed and only ancient foundation survived (they knew how to build) and fragments of the walls, on the basis of these parts the temple managed to reconstruct. The initial architecture could not be renewed, so Baroque style began to prevail in its appearance in the Belarusian execution. The restructuring went for the benefit of the interior, which was now enriched with figure eaves, stucco, and played quite a bright paint as in my opinion, too bright for the place where you need to humbly praying distracted by the worldly bustle. From the initial painting, two copies of the frescoes were preserved in the cathedral, Leonardo da Vinci's work was "saved the wrong" and "Last Supper". Sofia Cathedral Nowadays, in general, very weakly resembles the Orthodox Church. It is most likely possible to be called the cultural center, a monument of history, an outstanding architectural structure, in one word, he is anything, but not only by the Orthodox Church, in the best understanding of everything that said. It is impossible to call it the temple, also for the reason that in addition to the museum, there is a valid concert hall, in which musical festivals are held every year.

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Here is such a Polotsk! Do you think all the sights and ended? Not at all, but you will learn about them better from a guide that you will spend the excursion program in Polotsk, or from the mouth of the locals. Here is the locals ... Want to know better the history of the city along with interesting legends, talk to the local aborigines that you will tell you much more interesting than the best guide can do.

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