What is worth viewing in Kharkov?


I will tell you a secret that in Kharkov they are mainly routing from one sole purpose - to visit the local market. And they are going here not only Ukrainian shunks, but also owners of outlets from all over the Soviet space. Therefore, probably not many visitors to this beautiful city, think about the fact that in Kharkov you can organize an exciting cultural program with visits to local attractions. Do you think except the train station and market here is nothing? Oaky! That's just this delusion, I will try to dispel now, describing the most interesting, in my opinion, places in Kharkov.

Freedom Square . This area, there is a kind of heart of the city, but it's not that it is Slav. Freedom Square in Kharkov, is the largest throughout Ukraine, what is difficult to believe, but it is. On this area, both in principle and on all central squares of Ukraine are constantly held a variety of folk events, celebrations of Christmas, new year and oil, meetings, concerts and fun fairs are organized. If you speak short, then the Freedom Square is Kharkov Cultural Center.

What is worth viewing in Kharkov? 10722_1

Kharkov Metropolitan. . The construction of the Kharkov metro was started in 1968. In those days they loved grandiose construction and new projects began with pathos pride. The Kharkiv Metro did not except the first trunk of the future subway, was laid in compliance with all pompous subtleties. The construction was promoted very rapidly and for two years later in 1970, the first half of the tunnels were successfully carried out. The solemn discovery, Kharkov metro, took place on August 23, 1975. Kharkov Metro, ranks second in its dimensions in Ukraine, and is the sixth on scope and size on the territory of the former USSR. The metro of the city of Kharkov, includes twenty-nine underground stations, thirty-eight kilometers of lines, as well as transplant nodes in the size of three pieces. In 2009, if more precisely, on the night of the nineteenth to the twentieth of April, on the platform, which refers to the University station, went concert of the Symphony Orchestra of the Kharkov Regional Philharmonic. The event was completely free and about six thousand listeners visited it. This episode is called unprecedented not only in Ukraine, but also throughout Europe.

What is worth viewing in Kharkov? 10722_2

Barabashov Market . Personally, I would call him the city in the city, since this market occupies a huge area at seventy-five hectares. This market is the largest industrial and broad baza carrier throughout Eastern Europe. Why does this market bearing such a name? The thing is that the market is located in close proximity to the metro station "Academician Barabashov", but the Great Academician itself has nothing to do, as well as trade in principle, too. By the way, the market is called even easier - "drum". The history of the development of the market is impressive, since he originated in the time of restructuring in 1995 on the site of a small bazaarker, on which spontaneous trade flourished. Do not be mistaken about the elements of the modern market, since everything that happens here can be compared with a well-established mechanism. The entire market is divided into eight sites, each of which is assigned to a certain type of product. There is also a division into retail and wholesale trade. I want to note that the market has its own Internet site, and each week is produced by own newspaper.

What is worth viewing in Kharkov? 10722_3

Kharkov Zoo . It is the oldest zoological park in Ukraine. A very interesting story of the emergence of a zoo, which tells us that at the end of the nineteenth century, in this very place, an exhibition of birds and animals was organized, but not wild, but homely. This event and served in the emergence of the idea of ​​creating a park of animals here, that is, the zoo. Its further history was not so colorful and cheerful, because during the time of revolution the zoo was destroyed and he had to recreate it again. The times of the Great Patriotic War, also did not pass for the Kharkov Zoo without a trace, since during the war there was partly the truth during the war, a collection of rare animal species, and the part of which managed to survive was released from Wolkers to the will. On this, the misadventures of the zoo ended and the favorable period of its development began. So, for example, in 1992, the zoo was given the status of the reserve, and at the moment the number of its inhabitants reaches marks in more than eight thousand birds and animals. Here everything is directed to the fact that children, and with them and adults, could better learn the life and features of animal behavior. The zoo has a large number of educational and educational programs and circles. There is a young naturalist club and a contact zoo, which is allowed not only to feed animals, and also play with them, of course, under the sensitive observation of working personnel. For kids who want to learn the main riding skills, the doors of the Radis Pony Club doors are open.

What is worth viewing in Kharkov? 10722_4

Kharkov cable car . It is a pleasure and transport system at the same time, which binds the street Sumy Street with Sarthzh Yar and Microdistrict Pavlovo Field. The cableway, was opened and put into operation at the end of the last century, namely in 1971. Includes eighteen supports and one hundred and twenty-four double passenger cabins with maximum carrying capacity of one hundred eighty kilograms. The overall length of the cable car is one thousand three hundred eighty-seven meters. The time of travel one way is eighteen minutes. During the trip, you will climb at different heights from eight to twenty six meters above the ground. Scary? You should not be afraid because you will not be up to fear, because there will be amazing beauty overlooking you. Gorky, Forest park, Shatilovka and Pavlovo field.

What is worth viewing in Kharkov? 10722_5

I do not know how now, but in 2012 the cost of a ticket for a trip to one direction was fifteen hryvnia and I don't think the price during this time could grow very much.

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