For Georgian hospitality - in Batumi!


He had a positive reviews about Batumi, and this summer went there to relax. I really liked it, I recommend to visit this city, if you are already tired of Crimea, Turkey, Egypt, etc.

The city is small, but cozy. There is an old part of the city, a boulevard near the sea, a wonderful botanical garden. And of course, because the city is a tourist, a lot of cafes, a variety of thematic restaurants, allocated Ukrainian, Chinese, San Remo for themselves.

Madly liked Satzivi, Hinkali and of course - kebab. Prices are adequate everywhere, and the portions are large. Very tasty wine. Fruits do not sell on the beach, so if you want fruit, you will have to go to the city or to the market. But fruit in Batumi is relatively cheap.

There is a fish market on which you can buy fish, and then in a nearby cafe to fry it, very tasty and original! In the local market she had a spice, teas, coffee.

Housing is not a problem, I still prefer to shoot it, and not live in hotels, it is interesting to communicate with the local and I do not like the casality of hotels. In search of housing, taxi drivers can help, you can booked through the Internet.

People in Batumi are very hospitable, very surprised by the fact that we were easily approached by local and asked how we were resting, from where we were asked if we were not helping anything that we like in the city, one Georgian even sang a song to us. People are just wonderful!

In the courtyard of the house in which we lived was noisy in the morning: the dogs were banging, children shouted, but it is even interesting, creates a local flavor.

Everywhere in the city - the police, but they really follow the order, if that, always ready to help you, pleasant impressions from communication with them.

For a tour of the city, we hired a chauffeur, it is much more interesting than the guide !! He showed us a botanical garden, the Tamara Tsaritsa Bridge. In general, at the Primorsky Boulevard there is a special center for tourists, where you will advise that you will visit and give a map of the city. According to the old city, it is very pleasant to walk - interesting buildings, purely.

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Nature in Batumi is not comparable with nothing, it is very beautiful. And how it is easy to breathe, what air !!!

The beach is pebbles, the sea is clean and warm. On the beach a little dirty, even though he is cleaned every day. There are fountains, of which you can easily drink water - very clean.

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But be alert, drivers in Batumi do not comply with the rules of movement, do not pass pedestrians, go to the red light.

Batumi Botanical Garden is a beautiful, many species of plants, very beautiful views of the sea are opened.

On Primorsky Boulevard - bicycle paths, playgrounds, simulators, interesting sculptures, fountains with music and illumination, water park. There is a bicycle rental, table tennis and billiards in the open sky.

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Souvenirs are the same and the same and do not make a variety, only in one place managed to find decorations from enamel and jugs for wine.

The city is still in the construction process, and I think that there will be many more interesting places and attractions, but so Batumi is striking by its architecture, modernity, extensity of the streets, comfortable conditions for tourists.

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