Why do tourists choose Kuching?


You can argue that very few Russian tourists are familiar with the name Kuching and especially few know what it is and where is located. Until recently, I also treated them. Well, that fixed this omission. It turns out that this city is located in Malaysia on the island of Kalimantan. In another way, this island is also called Borneo. The only thing I knew about this island is that it lives the richest Sultan Brunei. On this, my knowledge was exhausted.

And on this island there is still a province called Sarawak, the capital of which Kuching is. This small city and about 500 thousand inhabitants live in it. In addition to Malaysers, there are still many Europeans, Chinese and Indians in the city. The Chinese, apparently, is not sitting in place at all and a large diaspora lives in each country.

About 200 years ago, the whole province was part of Brunhai, which Rich Sultan ruled. And in 1963, due to certain circumstances, Sarawak received independence and decided to enter Malaysia. The very name of the city is translated as a "cat's eyes" and therefore Kuching is also called a feline city. It is difficult to say where his inhabitants took such love for cats, but they express it at every step.

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In addition, in the city there is a museum of cats, a great many cat sculptures are standing on the streets of the Kuching. And they are all different colors and size. Straight cat paradise some. I just don't know whether they make feline mummies as the ancient Egyptians and whether the cat saves a cat from a burning house first.

Kuching, though a small, but very cozy and warm city.

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History traced in his architecture - a lot of colonial style houses.

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They appeared during the domination of the Dynasty of Brooke-White Rajay. Their Board began in 1839 as a reward from Sultan for special merits in the suppression of the aboriginal uprising.

And these vintage buildings stand next door to quite modern houses. And in many of them there are attractive attention to Chinese shops and cafes.

By the way, in this city, where so many different crops mixed up, you can get acquainted with dishes of different nations. In Kuching there are national Malay restaurants, European, Indian, Japanese, Filipino and Chinese. But I want to say that Indian cuisine for lovers, it is very sharp.

On the main market you can also buy many fruits and vegetables. And besides this, it is still a large selection of souvenirs and antiques.

In the center of the city there is a very beautiful promenade, which is simply pleasant to walk. And since the city is located on the Sarawak River, then from one shore to another, if desired, you can move onto a boat. They often go there for the day.

Apparently, in order to preserve his story for the descendants, several museums of different focus were built in Kuching. To pay tribute to the Chinese population there is a museum of Chinese history, from respect to Muslims created the Museum of Islam. There is still a textile museum and one of the best, which is in Asia - the Sarawak Museum. You can still visit the original Museum of Police and the Luxury Orchid Garden. Naturally, fans of the Feline Feline Direct Path to the Cat Museum.

By the way, the Sarawak Museum itself is considered the most beautiful in all Asia. And if we consider that in the most this building there are rare ethnographic and archaeological exhibits, it is impossible not to visit it. It is only worth mentioning that in this museums thoroughly reproduced the most ancient traces of a person in the caves of NII.

And in the city of interest to many streets. For example, it will be cognitive to stroll through the street of carpenters, Indian street and the Chinese Quarter. This can be said, whole individual states within the city. And they live peacefully, there is no hostility between them.

Even in the city there are cinemas and theaters. Despite the fact that the overwhelming population of the city is confessing Islam, they loyally belong to representatives of other religions and in the city you can meet many clubs and bars. There you can listen to music and there is a fairly large range of drinks, alcohol including. And in many clubs in the evening real traditional shows and dancing are held.

But not only the city itself, but also its surroundings. And this is due to the fact that in the state of Sarawak, the jungle is occupied by a large territory, which have not yet reached people and did not have time to spoil them. And it is in them there are national parks and reserves. The most interesting parks are Gunung Gading and Bako. And besides rare species of plants and animals, they can see settlements of local small peoples. Each of them is very colorful and is very different from the other.

In addition, you can see Mount Santouffong and another amazing place - the Disc Recovery Center. It is rehabilitated by the wounded orangutans. Why orangutans and who regularly waste them is not entirely clear, but very interesting.

By the way, tourists with different prosper can be allowed to say that rest in Kuching. There are options for both budget and luxury housing.And even in low-cost hotels, relax is quite comfortable, for this, all the conditions and staff are very polite. For those who are used to save on accommodation, and spend money on excursions and entertainment, in Kuching there are enough comfortable guesthouses and even in Asian standards cheap.

In Kuching, among other things, you can buy shopping. There are large shopping centers where you can buy anything. In addition to traditional souvenirs and clothes, you can buy clothes from well-known designers in numerous boutiques. Handmade products are very important. These are various statuettes, baskets, pearls and bamboo products.

And besides shopping centers in the city there are numerous shopping shops where you can buy all starting from low-cost souvenirs and ending with a real antiques. It is worth noting that prices are not very cheap there, but sellers are happy to trade and can make a good discount.

Kuching is also attractive for tourists that this is a pretty safe city. Although it is necessary to observe security measures and do not wear values ​​with them not to seduce the street thieves. Rest in this city is more intended for adult rest, little children there will be not very interesting. And you need to comply with the rules of decency in clothes, not dressed too open, as it is still a Muslim city.

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