Why is it worth going to Tampa?


The city of Tampa is located on the Florida Peninsula. It is located in a cozy and comfortable place that on the shore of Tampa Bay. There is no small number of legends around the title of the city, according to one, of which the name did the Indians given him, because in their tongue "Tampa" sounded like "Fiery sticks". But the "fiery sticks" is nothing but ordinary lightning. This natural phenomenon in these places is not rare and storm rains with thunderstorms, there is quite a usual phenomenon.

Why is it worth going to Tampa? 10706_1

The oldest district in the city is considered Ibor City. Once this area was lively and was famous for the fact that there were plants that specialized in the production of cigars. Later, the area has learned the times of the utmost collapse and has undergone significant losses, as a result, he fell into decay. Currently, he is like Phoenix, is reborn from the ash. As a memo about those times, a cigar museum works here, the exposition of which tells the history of development and production, once the most popular in all Florida, cigars.

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As an entertainment in retro style, you can ride on an old tram, because these trams went on the local streets half a century ago.

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There is in Tampa and the zoo, in which more than two thousand animals live. The unusual peculiarity of this zoo is that there are pots where you can not only feed the animals right from the hands, but also touch them, there is a slightly present. The price of the entrance ticket, relatively low and is ten dollars for an adult ticket and eight dollars for children.

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For family holidays and a fun pastime, an entertainment center "Adventure Island" is perfectly suited. This water park works every day. Prices for tickets, here are of course higher than in the zoo, but also the pleasures here much more. A ticket for adults, you will cost fifty-two dollars, and for the entrance of the child, you will have to give forty-three dollars.

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An alternative to water park should be a local aquarium in which you will have a unique opportunity to see underwater beauty as they see their scuba. The aquarium is divided into four separate zones in which a variety of underwater residents live. In addition to the motion of little fish, it is possible to observe the leisurely noble grace of such giants as the rods, sharks, turtles and even jellyfish. The kingdom of the underwater world, works throughout the year, and it is closed only for Christmas. Prices for entrance tickets are pleasing to their democratic. Adult ticket costs sixteen dollars, and children ten.

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The brightest event for the city is the pirate festival Gasparill. The festival is very fun and festive. They organize it in honor of the grand and brave baudes, Pirate José Gaspare. If you wish to take part in the people's celebration, then you need to take care of this in advance and plan your trip to Tampa, at the end of January of the month.

Why is it worth going to Tampa? 10706_7

It seems to be all that I wanted to write you about this city. Oh, no. Completely forgot. At the very beginning of his narration, I wrote about the storm rains with thunderstorms. So, this is not a completely pleasant natural phenomenon in Tampa, it is adventrated mainly in the summer months. Be sure to take into account this, so that they did not spoil you vacation.

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